What we do
A brief overview of our activities and ministries.
Global Connections (GC) is a vibrant community of mostly UK-based charities, churches, colleges, individuals, and support services, working and learning together as we explore the future of mission, and endeavour to equip and inspire Christians for cross-cultural mission.
Network members are encouraged to share experiences and resources, so that we can all learn together and ensure best practice in all that we do. We do this through a range of forums and events, and our online Networking Hub. Join us as we build stronger connections, learn from one another, and explore the future of mission together.
Prayer also plays a notable role within our work. As well as producing World Prayer News, a bi-monthly prayer guide that shares a collection of prayers from network members, we are committed to growing in corporate prayer as a staff team and wider mission community. The staff team have already started on a journey to help them grow in prayer, and we will be inviting the network to join us in due course.
Mission Action Partnership
Mission Action Partnership (MAP) is a ministry of Global Connections in Northern Ireland. It is a partnership of mission agencies and other support organisations who, although based in Northern Ireland, work all over the world in various types of ministries. Partnership is central in our work together to build God’s kingdom more effectively all the while learning and growing together in our understanding of mission in this changing world.
By sharing skills and experience, MAP members are able to make best use of their valuable resources by working in partnership on areas of ministry that they might struggle with alone. This pooling of resources, means that the wider partnership benefits from a range of bespoke events, conferences and resources for all ages. We can also share mission opportunities both locally and overseas, and benefit from the collective wisdom and expertise of other members in relation to specific mission related issues.

Our Forums
Our forums are a great way to meet with other people working in similar roles, or with shared interests, from across the network. Share your own knowledge and experience, while learning from others.

Book your place on a wide range of events, organised by Global Connections, MAP or network members. In addition to delivering a range of forum events throughout the year, we run a host of other ad hoc events exploring current topics and issues, providing the opportunity to reflect theologically and practically on key issues relating to the future of mission.

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Regional Groups
Our regional groups are for representatives of our members to meet together for mutual support, encouragement and fellowship. The members of each group work in partnership on various activities including CU nights and local church events and exhibitions.