Find training to prepare you for involvement in cross-cultural mission, church-based ministry, or for work with a Christian charity or mission agency in the UK or internationally.
Whether you are looking for short courses, undergraduate or postgraduate programmes, full-time, part-time or distance learning – you can find out more about what the UK’s leading Christian training providers and other UK-based Christian organisations have to offer.
Choose from a huge range of subjects including Biblical and theological studies, church history, contemporary issues, cross-cultural preparation, linguistics, translation and literacy, mentoring and coaching, other faiths, pioneer ministry and church planting, TEFL/TESOL, women’s ministry, youth and children’s ministry, and more.
Click on the links below for further information.

All Nations
All Nations Christian College serves the global church by training and equipping men and women for mission in a multicultural world.

Amnos Ministries
Amnos Ministries exists to help see the UK and Europe reached with the Gospel. We have four main areas of ministry: Church Planting School, Arise Evangelism training, Intercede Prayer Meetings and the Inspire Bible Conference

Arukah Network
Communications training: drawing on the skills of our members - from BBC news, local politics, community leadership - this course aims to help you communicate with integrity, clarity and quality.

Belfast School of Theology
Our purpose is to equip 21st-century followers of Jesus through theological education that fosters the ability to communicate the Christian faith intelligently and with conviction in word and action.

Short-term Bible courses and Christian holidays in a place where God changes lives.

Church Mission Society
Pioneer Mission Training: MA in theology, ministry and mission. There are now two routes through the MA: one with a focus on pioneering and one with a focus on African Christian Diaspora.

Christian discipleship and leadership development - discipling potential leadership in head, hands and heart.

ForMission college seeks to be a learning community of reflective practice, community engagement, leading-edge missional theology, and participation in God’s mission.

King’s Evangelical Divinity School
KEDS is a specialist provider of online programmes in theology. Offering a BTh degree, an MA programme, and short courses in biblical studies, theology, Bible languages and Jewish-Christian studies.

London School of Theology
Since its founding, London School of Theology has been dedicated to serving the church of Jesus Christ worldwide through educating individuals, equipping the church and engaging in leading research.

Medair UK
Relief and Recovery Orientation Course (ROC) - a week-long immersive course to experience the realities of working in the humanitarian sector.

Missio Dei
The AoG GB Bible College, passionate about helping to form the next generation of Christian leaders.

Moorlands College
Since 1948, Moorlands College has given people passionate about Jesus Christ the knowledge and skills they need to impact the Church and the wider world. We’re not just about education, but transformation.

Nazarene Theological College
A learning community with one aim: to prepare our students for innovative Christian ministry. The academic qualifications and personal experiences you take from your time here will, we hope, be just the start of a lifelong journey.

North Cotes College
North Cotes College is New Tribes Mission's European Bible College and Missionary Training Centre, offering a full range of Biblically based missionary training courses all in one location.

Oak Hill College
The church needs leaders who know Christ richly, who are ready to serve others as he served us and are thoroughly equipped for ministry in our complex world. To meet that need, Oak Hill offers deep-rooted training and a range of resources for Christ-centred ministry.

Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
Our vision is to see the global church equipped to participate in the realisation of God’s transforming mission through research and applied scholarship.

Tilsley College
Tilsley College has a vision to see Christian men and women thoughtfully and purposefully following Jesus Christ as faithful disciples, trained to change the world as God uses them.

Union School of Theology
Gospel-hearted training, wherever you need it. On campus, online or in a local Learning Community: discover how training with Union could equip you for a lifetime of ministry and mission.

World Horizons
Pioneer Initiative - nine months of dedicated training in Paraguay followed by two years devoted to living in one of the most spiritually and culturally challenging locations on earth.