The latest news and musings from Global Connections and MAP.
In 2025, the Global Connections & MAP network will be particularly focused on five areas of work which carry out our mission
Introducing Global Connections and MAP's vision and mission for 2025.
What we learned from our listening exercise about how young people are engaging with cross-cultural mission today, and explor...
This Listening Exercise Report is a foundational document for us to build on as we seek God for our future as a network and p...
Next week we celebrate a Latin speaking, British man, who did mission in a north African style. A man who planted hundreds of...
Am I, and are you, spending enough time in His presence and listening to His voice enough to not just reflect His presence, b...
Here’s a few of our key takeaways from the Top Tips for Fundraising in 2025 Event.
We must ensure that our actions let the next generation know, that they are needed to fulfil God’s mission
Travel vaccines are designed to protect you from infections and diseases prevalent in other parts of the world
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World Appoints New International Director
A BMS World Mission partner, in a mountainside village on the edge of the Sahara desert, is teaching women the technical skil...
Ben Reflects on the CEOs Residential, and the 2025 Global Connection's and MAP Vision and Mission.