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Torch Trust

Asia  |  Mongolia
July 2024

Pray for the transcription of the Kazakh braille Bible in the UK and for the production of the Bibles in Mongolia. Pray for clear communication between the team in the UK and in Mongolia.

Torch Trust

Africa  |  Liberia
July 2024

Pray the 50 braille copies of the Gospels reach their destination in Liberia in good condition. Pray that they’re used to bring about faith in Jesus and to encourage believers to share the good news.

Torch Trust

Asia  |  India
July 2024

Pray that the braille Bible volumes being produced would reach their destinations in India. Pray for those receiving them, that they would grow spiritually and spread the Good News with others through the braille Bibles.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Middle East  |  Iran
July 2024

Please pray for Abdulla in Iran waiting for a visa to Canada, his wife gave birth to Mihran. A fine young son, born on the run as a refugee already.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Europe  |  Norway
July 2024

Ron and Nancy met with Nigar and her husband Naim from Azerbaijan who are now playing the organ for three churches in Norway but are not yet believers.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Europe  |  United Kingdom
July 2024

Please pray for our day of prayer on Saturday 28th September in Crowborough, East Sussex. You are welcome to join if you can the details are on our website

Global Care

Africa, Asia  |  Bangladesh, Cambodia, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia
July 2024

Pray with us for the imminent launch of our Harvest Appeal, seeking to address hunger in multiple countries. Please pray for: - a positive response to the appeal - wisdom for both governments and local communities seeking to address the causes of so much hunger - conflict, climate change and the rising cost of living - our partners in countries affected, all seeing a rise in families struggling to feed themselves, including in Zambia, Malawi, Cambodia, Uganda and Bangladesh

From the 21st to the 17th July we give thanks for work delivered through our Children At Risk fund, helping us act in times of crisis, deliver planned interventions and start new initiatives. Give thanks for: - helping domestic violence victims and HIV+ children in Sri Lanka - improved educational facilities in Ethiopia and South Sudan - bikes for secondary school students in Zimbabwe - the delivery of urgent medical help for children worldwide - all the donors who support our Children At Risk programme.

Global Care

Africa  |  Uganda
July 2024

The 15th of July is Youth Skills Day. Join us as we pray for vocational training projects in Uganda. Please pray for: - the girls at the Skills Centre in Soroti, for them to make the best use of the opportunities now available to them - the young mums training project in Kampala - pray this initiative will succeed in protecting and providing for their children, not just the teen mums - success for sponsored children who have entered vocational training or apprenticeships rather than secondary education.

Global Care

Middle East  |  Syria
July 2024

Join us in prayer for Global Care's partners at the Hope Centre in Syria. Please pray for: - wisdom for Afaf and the team working at the Hope Centre - encouragement for the 102 children supported through Global Care at the Hope Centre - relief and healing from the many traumas experienced by most of students at centre students at centre - an end to conflict, a stable peace and economic growth to reduce widespread poverty - healing for broken relationships; almost all the children are living in very dysfunctional settings

Global Care

Africa  |  Malawi
July 2024

This week, please pray for our work with our partners Muthange in Malawi Pray for: - wisdom for the Muthange team - encouragement for the marginalised students they support - positive relationships with chiefs, schools and other local national authorities - safety for girls living away from home secondary education - mentoring groups to positively impact young lives - give thanks for the solar lamps distributed here.

Please pray for countries that are closed to the Gospel. However, the Spirit of God is at work and privileging Al Massira to be present in these nations, helping to equip the Saints to reach out to the religious majority people groups. Some are being trained and others are already trained and using the AM resources with precious friends ‘on the ground. Pray the AM translations available would be used and that translations being prayed for would come to pass. Including Hebrew, Kyrgyz and Azeri. Pray for the completion of the Oromo dubbing, Amharic, Kabyle, Wolof and Bambara translation projects.

Pray for our plans towards ‘Xercise’, a weekend away that we are running in November for Christian young people who are considering a military career. Find out more information here:

Pray for our preparations towards Remembrance and ask that more would see how it is as important now as ever, that we pray for members of our Armed Forces.

Praise God for how He is using SASRA Scripture Readers to reach men and women of the British Army and RAF with the good news of Jesus. Give thanks that service personnel are hearing the gospel, responding to in repentance and faith in Christ and growing in their knowledge and love of Him.

Langham Partnership UK & Ireland

Asia  |  India
July 2024

The work in India continues to develop through language-specific preaching movements. A Level Two seminar starts this month in Abohar for the Punjabi preaching movement. Pray for the 40 expected participants and for Veena Bunyan as she facilitates the learning. Give thanks for the way people have been meeting faithfully in their preaching clubs. Please pray for ‘political peace in Punjab—and for a spirit of learning to grow and capture this preaching movement’.

Langham Partnership UK & Ireland

South America  |  Venezuela
July 2024

Praise the Lord for a recent Level 1 seminar in Venezuela which resulted in 6 Escuelitas being formed with a total participation of 45 members. Also, for a recent event in Chile. Our S American Preaching Coordinator shared these comments: "I take away effective tools to craft a simple and precise sermon." "I arrived believing I couldn't do it, I arrived with my mind closed, unwilling to preach, but the support of my peers and even more so of our teacher encouraged me to continue."

Ask the Lord to guide the team working on the South Asia Study Bible including eleven Langham Scholars.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Middle East  |  Iran
June 2024

Please pray for Abdullah who is on the run from the Taliban after confessing Christ. He is in Iran and needs to get his visa for Canada from the embassy there.

Sharing Christ Internationally

Asia  |  Mongolia
June 2024

A Mongolian man correctly said people have no awareness of sin and believe that this life is all there is. They struggle to survive, and to get as much pleasure as possible. A Canadian man found Mongolians are nearly completely materialist with no interest in God. The Gospel goes out, but barely no interest is shown. We toil and toil but no human ability can make even one person repent. We go on in obedience and do not lose heart. PRAY that God will work in people.


Asia  |  Pakistan
June 2024

Thank God that ChrisFon’s evangelists have been encouraging parents working in the brick kilns to send their children to school. This will give the children the skills to enable them to get good jobs later on. Pray as well for ChrisFon’s evangelist Taqi*, who reaches out to Sikh communities in the KP province of Pakistan. He is well respected by Sikhs - pray that he would be bold and faithful as he shares God’s word with them. *name changed for security reasons


Asia  |  Pakistan
June 2024

Ask God to use ChrisFon to provide practical help to those suffering due to the recent, disastrous flooding in the KP province of Pakistan. Pray that God would enable them to help those most in need. Also, ask God to continue to use the mosquito nets and repellent funded by our Water Appeal to bless those who need it most in Pakistan, supported by ChrisFon.


Asia  |  Myanmar
June 2024

Please pray for peace, political stability and religious freedom for the country of Myanmar. Ask God to keep Word of Hope safe as they continue to be a light in the darkness, reaching out to their community, practically & spiritually.


Asia  |  Myanmar
June 2024

Word of Hope in Myanmar would love us to praise God with them for His protection and for the good health of all the children in the orphanage. Praise God that children have been enjoying their Bible devotionals. Pray that, by the Spirit, they would mature in their faith and trust in Jesus for everything they need. The children from started a new academic year in June. Pray they settle quickly into their new classes and enjoy learning, to the glory of God.


Africa  |  Uganda
June 2024

Give thanks that young mothers at Wakisa Ministries in Uganda are enjoying their computer classes. Those new to the centre are doing the introductory module and the others are mastering their typing skills. Give thanks to God as well that in Wakisa Ministries’ Bible classes, the young mothers have been exploring the concept of forgiveness, learning about the power of letting go of resentment and embracing healing.


Africa  |  Uganda
June 2024

Pray for Wakisa Ministries in Uganda as they look to recruit gynaecologists and paediatricians to volunteer at their new health centre. Praise God for Marion, a midwife at Wakisa Ministries, who is looking to do further studies in midwifery this year. Pray that she can study well and balance her work with the requirements of her course.

Praise God for answered prayer - we have raised 65% of the funds needed for the next year of HEAL Africa’s chaplaincy project, thanks to a charitable trust. Pray the rest of the amount will come from outstanding applications.

Please pray for an end to the siege of Goma, DR Congo. Pray that roads would be able to reopen, allowing food supplies to travel through the country again and reach the vulnerable people currently facing starvation. Thank God for protecting HEAL Africa staff and their families through the many threats they’re facing in DR Congo including conflict, food shortages and even a cholera outbreak. HEAL Africa would like us to pray that overseas media would give more attention to the situation in eastern DR Congo so more support can be given to the people suffering as a result of the conflict.


North America  |  Guatemala
June 2024

Potter’s House in Guatemala would like us to pray for families who lost their homes and belongings in a recent fire. Please pray that, with support, they can rebuild their houses quickly & safely. Also, ask God to provide Potter’s House with funds to buy hats, water bottles, electrolytes, sun cream and calamine lotion to help the children they serve to cope in the recent extreme heatwave.


North America  |  Guatemala
June 2024

Give thanks to God that new children have been enrolled into the Potter’s House education programme in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Pray the support they receive will help them to succeed in school. Pray as well for God’s protection over children supported by Potter’s House in Guatemala City - there has been a wave of violence in some communities near the rubbish dumps.


Europe  |  Albania
June 2024

Medical Ambassadors Foundation in Albania have found another possible building for a church in Kloce. Pray that the Lord would confirm if this is the right place and provide all of the substantial funding needed. They would also like us to thank God with them that local believers have been able to distribute vegetable seeds to 500 farmers in five villages in Albania and share the Gospel with them.


Europe  |  Albania
June 2024

Please pray for the church in Vashtemi, Albania - an imam is spreading rumours to local children that the church is deceiving them. May the church leaders respond with grace, truth and love. Please also pray for Medical Ambassadors Foundation who are finding it hard that many families are leaving Albania to find better jobs elsewhere. Ask that God would bring new people along to their churches.


Middle East  |  Turkey
June 2024

Give thanks to God for Kanal Hayat’s online ‘YouthBytes’ programme. Pray that presenter Chad Daniel would share the Gospel in an engaging way, which will reach many young people in Turkey and West Asia. Please also pray for Kanal Hayat as they look for a new studio to rent in Istanbul in order to enhance the quality and efficiency of their filming.


Middle East  |  Turkey
June 2024

“I live in a village in Bulgaria. There is no fellowship nearby, so your channel is my fellowship. I praise God for your ministry!” Echo the praise of this lady and thank God that Kanal Hayat’s programmes are reaching so many with the Gospel.


Africa  |  Ghana
June 2024

Eight children have just started at High Priest Academy in Ghana on scholarships after being sought out from the local marketplace where they were selling water. Pray they would enjoy learning and settle into school life quickly.


Africa  |  Ghana
June 2024

Please pray that the Holy Spirit would encourage and equip Pastor Sam as he seeks to build up the Living Word of Faith church congregation in Ghana. Also, give thanks that we were able to send a camera to High Priest Academy - it will help them provide us with high quality photos and videos.


Europe  |  Moldova
June 2024

Thank God that Beginning of Life’s Urban Kids project continues to help children and their parents to grow closer together, know how to express their feelings and have fun together. Beginning of Life in Moldova have asked for us to pray that God would bring about opportunities for them to spread awareness of the importance of holistic support for children and young people, especially to local leaders.


North America  |  Haiti
June 2024

Praise God that two women will be graduating from teacher’s college this month in Haiti. Naphtalie and Abigaëlle have worked hard for three years & are excited to begin their new teaching roles in the autumn.


North America  |  Haiti
June 2024

Praise God that the first big crop of cabbage has been harvested from PiFò Haiti’s Community Garden Project and sold to local market vendors. This is an amazing blessing to so many amidst a time of severe food shortages. Thank God that we were successful in our grant application for PiFò Haiti’s Community Garden Project, improving food security on La Gonâve.


North America  |  Haiti
June 2024

Banks on La Gonâve have been running out of cash and the queues are long every day. Pray that money can be transferred safely from mainland Haiti. Also, two large shipments sent from mainland Haiti to La Gonâve were pirated out on the water. Carl, a friend and supplier of PiFò Haiti, has lost everything. Pray for him & his family as they figure out the next steps for their business. Please pray for PiFò Haiti’s programme manager, Emerson, and his family. They are overwhelmed by the number of friends & neighbours asking for food and money. May God give them wisdom to know how best to help.


Europe  |  Macedonia
June 2024

Praise God for successful evangelistic events run by the Evangelical Church in North Macedonia in Radovish city library. At the most recent, a North Macedonian football player, who is also a Christian, spoke & many football fans came to listen to his testimony.


Europe  |  Macedonia
June 2024

Praise God that Ayhan was ordained as an elder at the Roma church in Bitola, North Macedonia. He is a dedicated man of God who has the potential to take over pastoral responsibility in the future. Please pray for Pastor Socrat and his wife Lena from the Evangelical Church in North Macedonia. They are both in poor health and are looking to retire but there is no one who can replace them yet.


Asia  |  India
June 2024

Thank God that the students on JKPS’ Diploma in Ministry course and Community Transformation programme in India have finished their exams. Pray that they would all trust God with the outcome. Please pray also for the good health of JKPS staff and volunteers as they continue their work on forming new house fellowships in unreached communities in India.


Asia  |  India
June 2024

Pray that the recent three-day summer camp which took place for 550 children supported by JKPS in India was successful and brings many to faith. Thank God also that JKPS were able to conduct discipleship training, medical outreach and scheduled field visits last month, despite the heatwave in India.

It is 'Books for Bible Colleges' season for us. Please pray for the hundreds of library grant packages that are currently on their way to bible colleges around the world, pray for safe arrival.

Langham Partnership UK & Ireland

South America  |  Peru
June 2024

Recently, the final training for a group of participants took place in Tacna and after three years of learning together they celebrated. One of the participants wrote this testimony “I used to think it wasn’t so important to study the Scriptures in depth to preach them. I [now] realise how wrong I was”. Praise God for the impact of His Word on these participants and pray for them as they continue to apply all that they have learnt.

Majority World Publishers do not get a great deal of direct feedback on their endeavours and it is difficult to be sure of the impacts. Few people understand the work of publishers and so it can be quite lonely for them. Consequently, they can be prone to discouragement or doubts about the value of their work. Pray for precious direct encouragements, and pray for trust, to see a bigger picture, and to look at long term impacts.

Zambesi Mission

Africa  |  Malawi, Mozambique
May 2024

A significant lack of rainfall across Malawi and northern Mozambique paints a bleak outlook for food security and hunger later in the year as prices of staples have already begun rising. A role of the newly-formed Malawi Advisory Council will be to determine how best to allocate any available resources to those who face greatest need. Please pray for God’s continued divine provision and for wisdom and unity for this group of local believers as they decide on this and also on the future direction of Zambesi Mission’s partnerships.

France Mission

Europe, Worldwide  |  France
May 2024

The Paris Olympics are due to run from 26 July to 11 August, with the Paralympics to follow from 28 August to 8 September. Please pray for French Christians as they seek to bless their communities and to share Jesus during this period when the world will be focused on France. You can find out more about all that's happening at

Torch Trust

Africa  |  Malawi
May 2024

Please pray for Torch Trust Malawi. Pray for continued growth in their client base and for increased monetary funding. Pray for the clients who receive resources from them, pray that the machinery works well and that each document that leaves the site, arrives safely and in good condition. Pray for the goats that have been distributed. Pray for good health and reproduction for the goats, bringing greater blessing to their owners. Pray for anyone who comes into contact with Torch Malawi, that they feel blessed by the work they do, and included in the community.

Torch Trust

Europe  |  United Kingdom
May 2024

Please pray for Torch Trust’s clients who are attending Torch Together Holidays across the UK. Pray for those meeting in High Leigh, Scarborough and at Torch House for the retreat. Give thanks for the hospitality teams, and pray for all food and accommodation practicalities to run smoothly. Pray for the team running the event: those teaching and leading Bible studies, those leading various activities and those volunteering their time to serve others with sight-loss. Pray for friendships to form and for it to be an enjoyable time for all attending.

Pray more Christians would volunteer to raise awareness and funds for the work of SASRA.

26 July – 2 August: Pray for the SASRA team running a pop-up café at Redford Barracks during the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo rehearsals. Pray God would open many doors for Scripture Readers to share the gospel with this year’s participants and ask the Lord to soften hearts and open eyes.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Asia  |  Afghanistan
May 2024

One Afghan ex police officer came to Christ in Kabul and had to flee to Iran to escape death. Pray that friends in Brazil can manage the invitation to go there with his family. Many other are still languishing in Pakistan.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Europe  |  United Kingdom
May 2024

28th September is the Day of Prayer for Central Asia at All Saints Church, Crowborough. Three missionaries plan to come together to promote seminars on relating to Islam, the first one in Crowborough 26th October at All Saints Church.

Al Massira International

Africa  |  Nigeria
May 2024

Please pray for Al Massira (The Journey) and for the faithful, steadfast team in Nigeria following the recent training held in one of the leader’s own hometowns. Over 200 Brothers and Sisters participated in the AM training, including pastors and leaders from a great number of congregations. Praise the LORD! As the LORD edifies His people may He also multiply. Pray each trainee would use the resources with family, friends and the community. Pray too, that all who have been trained would go onto train others through AM - taking the Gospel out and bringing the enemies of God in!


Oceania  |  Australia
May 2024

Pray for communities where a Bible translation for their language exists but is not widely available. Give thanks for MissionAssist's Bible Digitisation Project, which transforms printed Bibles into electronic format for revision, reprinting and reading online. Pray that our vision to serve world mission from home will inspire more Christians in Australia to join as volunteer keyboarders. Ask God to call to this project those He has equipped with amazing attention to detail and some time for flexible volunteering.

The Dohnavur Fellowship Corporation

Asia  |  India
May 2024

Please pray for the Dohnavur Fellowship, who are currently looking at new ways to reach out to their local community, and exploring options to fund these new projects that will continue to help those in poverty and need in rural India.

Pray for the upcoming summer events that LPUKI will be attending including Keswick in Cumbria and Portstewart.

Langham Partnership UK & Ireland

Worldwide  |  Guyana
May 2024

Thank the Lord for a review of James Japheth Sudarshan Harrichand's new book, Compassionate Intercultural Care Practices for Coping with Grief: "This welcome interdisciplinary study invites the reader to respond with respect, compassion, and sensitivity to diverse cultural Christian responses to grief." Pray for Kingdom fruit and impact from the book.


Middle East  |  Palestinian Territories
April 2024

Please pray for our teams working amongst Palestinians and Arab Israelis. Pray for hearts and minds to be opened to the gospel as they share Jesus with those they work amongst. Pray for one of our teams who partner with Messianic Jewish believers to help and pray for Palestinians, as they seek together to share Jesus in the midst of the current difficult situation.

Interested contacts and new believers in the Arabian Peninsula usually start their journey with Jesus with many misconceptions about the Bible and the way of real faith. Pray for deep renewing of their minds and transformation of their lives.

In South Asia, they have some of the highest numbers of unreached people groups in the world, with the equivalent of only 1 full time Christian worker for every 500,000 Muslims. Pray for the Gospel to be spread here.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Asia  |  Afghanistan
April 2024

Years ago, we sent 12 young people from Afghanistan to Korea to study. They have returned to be leaders in the provinces amongst new believers. One was beaten and lost an eye and damaged the other. In Iran they have saved his eyesight. Pray for his safe return to Afghanistan, where he can continue to minister, teach, and provide for the families in need. We ask for protection over him as he journeys back to his homeland, and we pray for the resources and funds needed to support his mission. May his efforts bear fruit in the lives of those he serves, bringing hope, comfort, and spiritual nourishment to many.

Operation Mobilisation (OM) UK

North America  |  Mexico
April 2024

OM began with a short-term trip to Mexico over 60 years ago! Thank God for how the work has grown - from a small bookshop and radio programme to diverse projects spanning outreach to Mexico’s indigenous peoples to work with thousands of newcomers - refugees from many south American countries.

Operation Mobilisation (OM) UK

Middle East  |  Israel
April 2024

Such uncertain times are opportunities for Christians in Israel to shine. Ask that there will be many fruitful circumstances when people find new faith and hope in Christ.

Operation Mobilisation (OM) UK

Middle East  |  Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan
April 2024

In some points in North Africa there is amazing freedom to distribute Bibles openly on the street. OM teams have worked with local churches and other ministries to place millions of Bibles in recent years. The entrance of God’s Word brings light.

Al Massira International

Africa  |  Nigeria
April 2024

Please pray for a group of young men in Northern Nigeria, who are zealous for the LORD and His glorious Gospel! They were part of a recent Al Massira group being trained to help equip, teach and support the Church in sharing Christ with their majority-religious neighbours in their contentious region and beyond. Pray they will be built-up, commissioned to go and that the Church would be strengthened and multiplied throughout the communities. Pray for divine wisdom and boldness and for the LORD’s presence, power, provision and peace to be at work in and through them. For God's glory!"

European Christian Mission (Britain)

Europe  |  Kosovo
April 2024

In Kosovo, we are planning an Easter evangelism among friends and on the streets of Peja. We will invite people the week before Easter and on Easter Sunday at our church premises. Pray for people to respond to the invitation.

Japan Christian Link

Asia  |  Japan
April 2024

Christian literature is a huge challenge in Japan. Many Japanese Christians testify to the key part which literature and access to a Bible have played in their coming to faith, however literature is hard to obtain and expensive. Print runs for Christian books are small and stock often runs out. Evangelistic resources which are fresh and which appeal to young people are particularly needed. Pray that Bibles and other Christian literature become widely available. Pray for those writing new and innovative materials to receive guidance from the Holy Spirit and to write materials which will enable people to come to faith.

Global Care

Africa  |  Zimbabwe
April 2024

Pray with us for our work in Zimbabwe. Please pray for: - Pastor Mishack and the team at the Houtberg Childcare Centre - Healing & hope for those children living at the shelter who have no family to care for them - Those children with relatives, for safe, reliable family members to be identified s - Success in the agricultural projects which sustain the home - Continued progress in learning for the children, despite their histories of trauma and the challenges of local schools.

Reach Beyond

Asia  |  India
April 2024

Pray for impact from our Marwari gospel broadcasts. Marwari is the main language of the Indian state of Rajasthan and is also spoken in many other places throughout India. Approximately 934,000 people speak this language. Pray that listeners will be challenged by the Christian programmes that they hear on their radios today.

Reach Beyond

South America  |  Ecuador
April 2024

Pray for Radio HCJB, Voz y Manos (Voice and Hands), and other Christian ministries in Ecuador as they work together to plan a special conference in June. The team hopes to train 50 young people on how to use audio-visual tools and the internet in their local church and for missions. Pray for inspiring discussions and new ways to share God's love story in Ecuador.

Reach Beyond

Europe  |  Greece
April 2024

A mission team visited Athens last month in partnership with the Quest Academy online seminary. The team consisted of Iranian Muslim background believers from Europe as well as individuals from the UK. They had some great opportunities to share their faith stories with the refugees at our partner clinic and at the Malakasa refugee camp. Pray that the Lord will continue to challenge the team members as they look at future mission opportunities and pray for those who were befriended by them.

Pray for 'Xercise', an event we are running in November for Christian young people who are considering a military career. May it help them to see that, whether they pursue a military career or not, their walk with the Lord is paramount. More information on Xercise can be found at :

As we mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings on 6 June, pray more Christians would understand that their prayers for the British Armed Forces are as essential now as ever.


Asia  |  Pakistan
April 2024

Pray for ChrisFon’s witness to the Pashtun community in Pakistan. They are known as a ‘warrior race’ but so far ChrisFon’s evangelists have found they have hearts open to the Gospel. “These sheep now have a shepherd who tends them” Give thanks to God that many people working on the brick kilns are now walking faithfully with God, thanks to the godly witness of ChrisFon.


Asia  |  Pakistan
April 2024

Please pray that the women given sewing machines by ChrisFon in Pakistan would be able to make money for their families from the clothes they make. Praise God that, thanks to generous donations to our Water Appeal, we have been able to provide mosquito nets for 1,000 families! Please pray that as ChrisFon distribute the nets, they would point the people they serve to Jesus.


Asia  |  Myanmar
April 2024

Please pray for Word of Hope’s plans for a summer Bible camp. Ask God to give them creativity and wisdom as they begin to organise this. Praise God that a church has contributed towards funding a new generator for Word of Hope Church. Pray that our grant applications would be successful to cover the remaining costs.


Africa  |  Uganda
April 2024

Thank God that the young mothers supported by Wakisa Ministries receive individual counselling sessions. Pray that, with the help of Wakisa, they gain the skills they need to process what they have been through. Pray that God provides the finances needed by Wakisa Ministries to furnish their newly-constructed health centre with medical equipment.


Africa  |  Uganda
April 2024

Give thanks to God that young mothers supported by Wakisa Ministries are enjoying arts and crafts classes. They have made doormats, baby blankets and bags. Thank God that the young mothers have also been learning about urban gardening. They have recently planted tomatoes and spinach to use in their cooking classes.


Africa  |  Congo, The Democratic Republic of The
April 2024

Pray that God would continue to use HEAL Africa as a witness to Jesus’ love through this time of conflict in DR Congo. May God keep them safe and bring to them the most vulnerable. Also, to continue praying for those who have been forced from their villages by the ongoing conflict and are currently living in the internally displaced people camps.


Africa  |  Congo, The Democratic Republic of The
April 2024

Please continue to pray for DR Congo and our ministry partner there, HEAL Africa. May a resolution to the conflict be found. Ask that God would bring peace to those traumatised. Give thanks to God for HEAL Africa’s project which provides support and education for young people living on the streets. Praise God for the new art class which helps the youth to process trauma.


North America  |  Guatemala
April 2024

Potter’s House would like us to praise God that communities they support are becoming increasingly open to receiving psychological care. People are using the tools they’ve been taught to move forwards. Pray also that Potter’s House would be able to find a larger facility for their community centre in the Western Highlands. They would love to have the capacity to serve even more Treasures.


North America  |  Guatemala
April 2024

Potter’s House would like us to pray for God to lead them to the right people to bring onto their microenterprise programme. Pray those who need it most would get the opportunity to advance their small business. Praise God for the way that Margarita has improved in her health and studies since being supported through the Potter’s House nutrition programme. She is on track to become a preschool teacher!


Europe  |  Albania
April 2024

Pray for wisdom & joy for the women who are being mentored for leadership roles in women’s ministry by Medical Ambassadors Foundation. Praise the Lord for the faith of Nori, an elder of the church in Vlocisht, Albania. He has been faithfully praying for his sick mother - she is now healed and is grateful for her son’s witness. Also, praise God for Vjollca and Verjon, a couple from Vloçisht, who are open to the Gospel.


Middle East  |  Turkey
April 2024

Ask God to continue to bring local people who don’t yet know about Jesus to Antakya Christian Church, as well as mature believers.


Middle East  |  Turkey
April 2024

Thank God that through their witness, using Christian broadcasting, Kanal Hayat is seeing an increasing number of new believers in Turkey & West Asia. Pray for local believers to be able to effectively connect with new believers and disciple them. Ask God to use Kanal Hayat’s new online series ‘Virtues of Christianity’ to spur believers in Turkey and West Asia to live godly lives which will point others to Jesus and that new people would continue to hear about their programmes through word of mouth.


Africa  |  Ghana
April 2024

Praise God that, thanks to support from WorldShare, the staff’s salaries at High Priest Academy that were once in arrears are now paid on time. Thank God for the first year of our partnership with Living Word of Faith church, who run the High Priest Academy. Pastor Sam shares: “WorldShare’s unique strength in providing for our needs has been more than we could have ever imagined.” Ask God for success in our six grant applications seeking funds for an ICT suite for High Priest Academy. This suite would enable students to learn important life skills.


Europe  |  Moldova
April 2024

Give thanks for the 12 children who graduated Beginning of Life’s Urban Kids project last year and have now successfully completed their first term at primary school. Praise God for the holistic development they received from a young age & the impact this has had. Also, give thanks to God for Beginning of Life’s Psychological Art Studio in Moldova which continues to support those suffering from post-traumatic stress against the backdrop of the ongoing war in Ukraine.


Europe  |  Moldova
April 2024

Beginning of Life in Moldova would like us to pray for God’s guidance & strength as they seek new ways to meet the needs of their beneficiaries. Ask God to provide for them as they struggle with unpredictable price increases due to the war in Ukraine. Pray they would be able to purchase essential supplies for their programmes at a fair price.


North America  |  Haiti
April 2024

Ask God to bring peace, healing and political stability to the nation of Haiti. Pray that PiFò Haiti would be able to use their food programmes to support those on La Gonâve who are desperately hungry. Continue to thank God for PiFò Haiti’s new well at their community garden project, which is such a blessing to the local people, especially given the current instability.


Europe  |  Macedonia
April 2024

Praise God that the Evangelical Church in North Macedonia has commissioned its mobile Christian bookstore and coffee bar. Pray for fruit from this ministry as church members travel across the country in the van, sharing the Good News.


Europe  |  Macedonia
April 2024

The Evangelical Church in North Macedonia’s event for families with special needs was a success! Praise God for two sisters who went, Vicki and Gorde - they were so blessed by the event. Ask God to continue to bring lots of children to the Evangelical Church in North Macedonia’s Bible clubs. They have been well attended this year. Pray that all who attend would have their hearts open and put their trust in Jesus.


Asia  |  India
April 2024

Please pray that JKPS would get a licence for their newest centre in Sonagachi, the red-light district of Kolkata. It is a shelter for children of sex workers, but they need a government licence to begin operating.


Asia  |  India
April 2024

Thank God for the first and second year students of JKPS’ Diploma in Ministry course who participated in a successful outreach programme on two islands in Bangladesh. Thank God also for the graduation ceremony in April for JKPS’ Bethel Training Institute. Please pray that the event would be a great celebration of hard work and commitment, and that God would direct the future plans of those who graduated.

Zambesi Mission

Africa  |  Malawi
March 2024

Millions of Malawians are struggling with the impact of back-to-back climate disasters – last year Cyclone Freddy devastated southern Malawi. This year El Niño has affected the same region. Long spells of drought have caused healthy growing crops to wither and die. Church pastors and congregations are wondering how they will feed their families today, let alone through the coming year until the next harvest in 2025. Let us pray that God will provide them with daily bread. Let’s pray too for initiatives that will improve these communities’ resilience in the future.

Please remember SASRA Scripture Readers in prayer over Mental Health Awareness Week (13 - 19 May). Every day, they minister to people who are under immense pressure at work and who are often living away from their main support networks. Pray that anyone who approaches a Scripture Reader would feel listened to, understood, cared for and loved, all for the glory of God.

Please pray that as we lead into Passover (an Old Testament Feast) that CMJ UK will have the opportunity to engage with Jewish communities sharing the truths of the Old Testament. Pray that many will remember how God gave his people a way to escape Egypt and that many will have an interest in the Passover feast's relevance for today.

Women in Central Asia: Pray that poor women who are abused would know they are created in the image of God and highly valued by Him (Genesis 1:26-27). Pray that more of us who have a voice will affirm and advocate for the dignity of women and demonstrate Proverbs 31 to the world: ‘Open our mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute... defend the rights of the poor and needy.’

A child holding the world in their hands

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