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Short-Term Mission

Posted on 21 June 2023 by Global Connections

Man looking out over a river making the most of his short term experience.

If there is one thing I could tell short-term missionaries, it would be this: focus less on "helping," and more on cross-cultural exchange, and becoming friends.

Samuel Ikua Gachagua and Claire Diaz-Ortiz, The Good Missionary
A group of people bring their own piece of the puzzle contributing their diverse skills to the network

"The bottom line is that we need to think about short-term mission from a much broader perspective. It is not enough to see it simply as an opportunity for western young people to contribute or as a vehicle to recruit long-term mission workers. The impact on the receiving community must be at the top of our priorities..."

The Future of Short-Term Mission Trips

Eddie Arthur


We have a great provider and should never underestimate his generosity. Many people over the years have been amazed to see how the funds have come in, because they’ve prayed and had others praying with them.

Personal sacrifice

This will, and should, cost you personally. Do you have any savings? Can you make some sacrifices to help raise the money you will need?


Involve your church, invite friends and family to partner with you, contact trusts or local businesses, and think creatively about sponsored events. Whatever route you choose, you will need a support team of prayers and givers behind you.

Are there other resources or guidance you would like to see added to our website? Let us know.