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Global Care

Africa, Asia  |  Bangladesh, Cambodia, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia
July 2024

Pray with us for the imminent launch of our Harvest Appeal, seeking to address hunger in multiple countries. Please pray for: - a positive response to the appeal - wisdom for both governments and local communities seeking to address the causes of so much hunger - conflict, climate change and the rising cost of living - our partners in countries affected, all seeing a rise in families struggling to feed themselves, including in Zambia, Malawi, Cambodia, Uganda and Bangladesh

From the 21st to the 17th July we give thanks for work delivered through our Children At Risk fund, helping us act in times of crisis, deliver planned interventions and start new initiatives. Give thanks for: - helping domestic violence victims and HIV+ children in Sri Lanka - improved educational facilities in Ethiopia and South Sudan - bikes for secondary school students in Zimbabwe - the delivery of urgent medical help for children worldwide - all the donors who support our Children At Risk programme.

BMS World Mission

Asia  |  Bangladesh
October 2023

Give thanks for BMS World Mission workers Louise and Peter Lynch, and for the support they give to BMS partner the Christian College of Theology in Bangladesh. Pray that the graduates will use their learning to enhance the Church’s witness. Pray too for BMS-supported workers Bina and James as they reach out to communities with the gospel message and help run education projects in Sreemangal.

South Asian Concern

Asia  |  Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan
August 2023

Pray for the preparations and translation work for 15 days of prayer for Hindus that God would use these resources to create awareness among churches and believers and to generate more prayer for the South Asian Diaspora.


Asia  |  Bangladesh
October 2022

Feba partner RMB in Bangladesh is using shortwave radio to reach out to those exploring the Christian faith. In June, Bangladesh experienced some of the worst floods on record. Many roads have been destroyed and there continue to be widespread power cuts. Hundreds of thousands have lost their homes, cattle, crops and livelihoods. Many listeners are contacting RMB Radio for help and asking for financial assistance to repair their homes. Please pray for team at RMB responding to callers and trying to give as much practical and spiritual support as possible in the midst of this extremely challenging situation.

A child holding the world in their hands

World Prayer News

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