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Church Mission Society

South America  |  Brazil
October 2024

Please pray for Rosie and Stu Bayford as they lead a community market in Aguazinha, Recife, Brazil. Pray for more partnerships with supermarkets who can supply food and for people who will be able to help with transport. Pray too for continued unity between the volunteers and families who attend the market, and that they will be open to hearing about Jesus.

Al Massira International

South America  |  Brazil
October 2024

Please thank the LORD with Al Massira following a recent ‘Train the Trainer’ in Brazil, with 9 new accredited trainers and 2 more accredited Senior Lead Trainers. This is an answer to prayer for Al Massira in Latin America (and beyond) for raising up Portuguese-speaking African trainers in Mozambique that are being further equipped to share the Gospel through the AM resources. The Senior Lead Trainers are from Bolivia, Brazil and Venezuela. Please pray for the edifying, strengthening and unity of the Church, for further equipping God’s people to ‘go out’ with the Gospel in Latin America – and beyond.

Church Mission Society

South America  |  Brazil
May 2023

CMS mission partners Marcio Ciechanovicz and Noemi Celeti and their four children moved from the UK to São Paulo, Brazil, in January. They are connecting with people beyond the reach of traditional church, sharing the gospel and ministering to people’s physical needs. Pray for each member of the family as they continue to settle in and for God to prepare the way for them as they explore the city and make new connections.

Church Mission Society

South America  |  Brazil
March 2023

Mission partners Marcio Ciechanovicz and Noemi Celeti and their four children arrived in Indaiatuba, northwest of São Paulo, Brazil, in January. They plan to connect with people beyond the reach of traditional church, share the gospel in new ways and minister to people’s physical needs. Please pray for the whole family and for Brazil - for unity among Christians and justice for all people.


South America  |  Brazil
September 2022

Choose Life, the interactive curriculum based on the wisdom of the Bible, empowers young people with skills to work out choices and consequences, and decide for themselves how to live. Last year the Evangelical Mission for Assistance to Fishermen (MEAP) in the Parnaíba Delta started using the programme with the children they meet through their projects. “The children shared a lot because they like to talk about their experiences,” said Deborah, one of the missionaries. Pray that as young people in Brazil connect with the Bible, that they would be agents for change in their schools, families, and communities.

A child holding the world in their hands

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