
InterVarsity Canada Ottawa staff Brandon writes: “[I feel like God is] doing something unique in Gen Z, and I have seen and felt how this is especially true on campus this semester. There is a new energy to how the students are talking about what Holy Spirit is doing around them, and a greater hunger for more time with God that doesn't just look like individual, private prayer times. Instead, students are figuring out how community could help foster that connection with Jesus. Students really want to share their faith with others and move beyond their individualistic expressions of faith, but many of them don't know how. We need more workers to rake in the harvest! Will you pray for more workers in the field?
Muslim Jats in Canada: Historically, the Jat people are an Indo-Aryan tribal group from the Punjab area. Most Jat migrants to Canada are Hindu or Sikh, though some are now Muslim. Coming from an agricultural culture means that many of these people are willing to take jobs in roles which Canadians are unwilling to do. Though prospering in Canada, Muslim Jats have challenges with their cultural identity. Pray that Christ would make a way into their communities, and that the Holy Spirit will equip any believers to make disciples among their friends and neighbours.
Bosnian speakers in Canada: These South Slavic peoples live mostly in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in the nineteenth century, some immigrated to Canada - many as refugees following the Bosnian War in the early 1990s. Though some are atheist, the majority of Bosniak speakers are Sunni Muslim, and are mostly found in Toronto and Quebec. Pray for individuals to receive dreams and visions from God, and a spiritual hunger to awaken among the community for the truth of who God is. Pray too that Christians in these places would have a heart to learn their language and work among these people.
Russian-speaking Jews in Canada: Russian Jews have lived in Canada since 1968. Today in Canada, the Russian Jews almost exclusively live in the urban areas. A few of them may be messianic Jewish believers; pray that they would be able to share their faith with their fellow Russian Jews. It is difficult for them to consider Christ, since their ancestors experienced oppression in the Pogroms by those officially claiming to be Christians. Pray for positive encounters with Canadian Christians who will reveal their Messiah's love for them.

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