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Reach Beyond

South America  |  Ecuador
April 2024

Pray for Radio HCJB, Voz y Manos (Voice and Hands), and other Christian ministries in Ecuador as they work together to plan a special conference in June. The team hopes to train 50 young people on how to use audio-visual tools and the internet in their local church and for missions. Pray for inspiring discussions and new ways to share God's love story in Ecuador.

Reach Beyond

South America  |  Ecuador
February 2024

Guayaquil on the coast of Ecuador is the epicentre of current unrest in that country as drugs gangs move in and cause chaos in civil society. In the midst of this, Radio HCJB-2 remains a beacon of hope in the city. This Christian radio station has been broadcasting a life-affirming message of peace to Guayaquil for over 50 years and is currently moving to a new building as the ministry grows and develops. Pray for safety for staff and volunteers as they serve surrounded by such a high level of violence and uncertainty, and ask that the message of salvation in Christ will touch many people struggling to survive in that tense environment.

Reach Beyond

South America  |  Ecuador
February 2024

A young bio-medical engineer from the UK will be travelling to Ecuador this month with Reach Beyond to support water and medical projects with indigenous jungle communities. Ana is joining the team in a town called Shell on the edge of the Amazon Jungle, using her expertise for 3 months to bring practical help and to share the gospel with local people. Pray for resilience as she settles in this new culture, and for opportunities to demonstrate and speak about the love of Jesus to those she meets.

Reach Beyond

South America  |  Ecuador
August 2023

Our newest workers Stewart and Anna-Claire will begin their new life in Ecuador in September. Anna-Claire is a doctor who will be providing medical care to remote indigenous Amazonian communities, and Stewart is an engineer who will be using his expertise for water and sanitation projects in remote areas of that Amazon region. Pray for a good settling-in period and for God’s provision as they set up home with their new baby. Pray for gospel impact as they serve these remote communities in the name of Jesus.

Reach Beyond

South America  |  Ecuador
June 2023

Radio HCJB2 has been broadcasting creative gospel programming to the coastal city of Guayaquil and beyond for over 50 years. They have a large and growing audience, especially among 30+ women. The station is currently in competition for radio frequencies in that city and would like to retain their two current frequencies and obtain two more to expand their reach. Pray for God’s intervention with the Ecuadorian licensing authorities.

Reach Beyond

South America  |  Ecuador
May 2023

A new young couple will be travelling out to Ecuador in August to serve with Reach Beyond and are currently raising their financial support. Anna-Claire, who is a doctor, will be providing medical care to remote indigenous Amazonian communities and Stewart, who is an engineer, will be using his expertise for water and sanitation projects in remote areas of that Amazon region. Please pray for the Lord’s provision for them both.

Reach Beyond

South America  |  Ecuador
January 2023

Radio HCJB in Quito, Ecuador is launching a new app for mobile phones so that their audience can listen to the radio station and to their podcasts. Pray that many will download the app to access this creative and inspiring material that will lead them closer to Jesus. One listener called José wrote, “I always listen to you when I’m driving. I think about you every day when I pass by the small HCJB sign. Pray for listeners to HCJB Radio in Ecuador who don’t know Jesus.

A child holding the world in their hands

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