El Salvador

Praise God for the service camp run by MUC El Salvador. Student leader Hilary writes: “All this was given with the aim of understanding Integral Mission through this camp, how justice and the gospel are developed with the community, allowing us to question ourselves about how believers can be part of Integral Mission, to take the theory and practice hand in hand and do what Jesus commands us to do, to look after the people around us, the neediest and to continue sharing his gospel to the ends of the earth.” Pray that students who served practically at this camp would continue to serve their communities in future
Due to its proximity to Central American countries such as Mexico and Guatemala, Belize is known as a transit point for illegal drug trafficking. Numerous incidents of drug discovery in schools in the south of the country involving students have been recorded. Many university students have expressed feelings of hopelessness and being stuck due to government corruption and nepotism. The pandemic saw the IS/ IVCF (IFES movement in Belize) ministry contract, but new shoots are emerging. Pray for students, staff and volunteers seeking to share Christ’s hope in schools, colleges and universities.

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