
Vanuatu & Fiji: Vanuatu in the Pacific has a population of over 243,000, and the national language Bislama. WEC are seeking to reach various immigrant communities with the Gospel across Fiji, Vanuatu and neighbouring islands, to pray them into the Kingdom through God's grace, and gather them into groups of believers in Christ. There are great opportunities for service in evangelism, teaching and practical work such as building projects, as well as mobilising Christians in the churches to serve abroad.
As the end of the academic year draws nearer across the South Pacific, pray for God to build up student ministry in a challenging season. The pandemic has hit IFES movements in the region hard, and there is a need for significant rebuilding of ministry. Praise God for work in northern Fiji, and in the francophone institutions in Vanuatu, and pray for groups across the region to restart and grow in numbers, in love for God and in desire to share Christ with course mates.

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