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Africa  |  Ghana
June 2024

Eight children have just started at High Priest Academy in Ghana on scholarships after being sought out from the local marketplace where they were selling water. Pray they would enjoy learning and settle into school life quickly.


Africa  |  Ghana
June 2024

Please pray that the Holy Spirit would encourage and equip Pastor Sam as he seeks to build up the Living Word of Faith church congregation in Ghana. Also, give thanks that we were able to send a camera to High Priest Academy - it will help them provide us with high quality photos and videos.


Africa  |  Ghana
April 2024

Praise God that, thanks to support from WorldShare, the staff’s salaries at High Priest Academy that were once in arrears are now paid on time. Thank God for the first year of our partnership with Living Word of Faith church, who run the High Priest Academy. Pastor Sam shares: “WorldShare’s unique strength in providing for our needs has been more than we could have ever imagined.” Ask God for success in our six grant applications seeking funds for an ICT suite for High Priest Academy. This suite would enable students to learn important life skills.


Africa  |  Ghana
February 2024

Please pray for Living Word of Faith as they look to raise funds to extend the High Priest Academy school building. May God provide all they need. Praise God also that Living Word of Faith were able to host their annual ‘Love Feast’ for the church and a local troubled community. Attendees were amazed at being loved in such a way.


Africa  |  Ghana
December 2023

Praise God that, thanks to the generosity of WorldShare supporters, High Priest Academy in Accra has been able to install new whiteboards in its classrooms, leading to more effective teaching and learning. Praise God for His provision at High Priest Academy, enabling salaries, student meals, and classroom improvements. Also pray for former students Josiah and Richmond who have completed Senior High School and are awaiting university admissions, as well as current students awaiting their Senior High School placements.


Africa  |  Ghana
October 2023

Thank God for keeping the students and staff safe during the last academic year at High Priest Academy in Ghana. Pray for another positive year which started in October.

Al Massira International

Africa  |  Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania
October 2023

Pray for a dear Brother, one of AM’s trainers in Africa who has been sentenced in absentia to time in prison and fined for holding an unauthorised religious assembly (worship), having been closed off by the governor of the area in 2019. More hostility and false accusations and charges are being brought against God’s people in this land and more and more Church fellowships are having to close. May the LORD empower, enable, and strengthen His people in this nation, part of Jesus’ inheritance. May our dear Brother know the peace and presence of our precious Saviour with him.


Africa  |  Ghana
July 2023

Thank God that all students and staff at the High Priest Academy in Ghana are in good health. Pray that God continues to surround them with His protection. Pray also that God would help the students with retention of all they learn and be able to perform well in their exams.

Reach Beyond

Africa  |  Ghana
December 2022

In remote villages in Ghana, we are reaching people with the gospel by installing multi-purpose poles. These poles, using solar energy, batteries, and inverters, are lighting up dark streets at night and enabling villagers to charge their mobile phones. They also have loudspeakers for streaming Christian radio programmes and a free Wi-fi hub that contains downloadable Bibles, worship music, discipleship resources and materials on agriculture and community health. Pray that those who access these hubs will begin a journey with Christ, and that local believers will be strengthened.

A child holding the world in their hands

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