
EEF has been developing booklets to help the Central Asian church move to a more relevant contextual approach to the Muslims they live amongst. We now have four booklets from Tolstoy, Aesop's Fables, Mullah Nasr al Din and English Nursery rhymes and how they have biblical equivalents in order to transition to Biblical teachings. This has also been done with art posters. Pray for the translation into other languages and for new believers' ability to reach culturally the people they live amongst.
Summer extreme camps took place in Central Asia with 200 young people. Many gave their lives to Christ. Now the work of follow up is underway, this multiplication could have a great impact on church planting and discipling in that region.
Women in Central Asia: Pray that poor women who are abused would know they are created in the image of God and highly valued by Him (Genesis 1:26-27). Pray that more of us who have a voice will affirm and advocate for the dignity of women and demonstrate Proverbs 31 to the world: ‘Open our mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute... defend the rights of the poor and needy.’
Pray for the colloquium, in March to look at the state of contextualisation in Central Asia. Western and Slavic worldviews will not create a people movement but the gospel free of culture will reach the hearts of these neglected nations. Some 90 leaders will be participating.
Duane Miller will address building Muslim Background Believers communities in an Islamic land and others are teaching on family life, community development and cultural issues in mission.
One listener to our partner’s online radio programmes in a Central Asian country wrote: “Thanks, and cheers from a small homegroup located in ‘Y’. Your radio is the only source of getting Christian content and we love it! Amen.” Pray that many more people will discover this channel which is sharing the good news of Jesus.
Plans are in hand for another Summer School of Missions. The focus will be on the family as some 69 couples from Central Asia study together in this vital area of ministry in that area. We are pleased to welcome Dr Duane Miller from Madrid to share on the community in the Islamic world.
Reports of many believers in financial stress in Central Asia associated with the current economic downturn. They have nothing to fall back on.
In an area where sharing the gospel is dangerous, we praise God for the huge increase in people responding to the daily programmes on medium and shortwave radio. Please pray for the listeners, especially those who have suffered the loss of homes, livelihoods and family members in the wake of recent widespread flooding. Also please pray for listeners who are facing serious security threats, human rights abuses and harsh restrictions from those in authority in the region. (2 Corinthians 4 v 8 - 12)
The Dungan of Central Asia: The Hui Chinese may have first become Muslims in the Kansu and Shensi provinces of north-western China. They have since spread across the whole of China and as far as Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, where they are called Dungan. They still speak a dialect of Mandarin Chinese and are primarily arable farmers. Pray for the development of ministry to Dungan communities and for open hearts for the gospel. Pray too that God will give creative ideas to local Christians living in these countries, as they seek to reach the younger Dungan generation, who are more open to change.
Our ministry partner reaches a Central Asian Tribal Group, broadcasting culturally relevant programmes addressing topics including family, health, faith and discipleship in a region that is almost exclusively Muslim. Earlier this year, two team members and their families received death threats. Overnight they had to leave their homes in the city and relocate to a safe place in the country. Since then, God has kept them safe and provided them with opportunities and resources to settle in another city and continue with their ministries. Please pray for God's continued protection over them and their families. (1 Peter 3 v 13 - 16)
EEF now is working on 22 books in eight languages to use to reach Muslims in Central Asia.

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