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European Christian Mission (Britain)

Europe  |  Kosovo
April 2024

In Kosovo, we are planning an Easter evangelism among friends and on the streets of Peja. We will invite people the week before Easter and on Easter Sunday at our church premises. Pray for people to respond to the invitation.


Europe  |  Kosovo
February 2024

Decades of war, political instability, and extremism have left many in Herat, Afghanistan disillusioned with Islam. Pray that this disaffection would be answered by the gospel, and lead to faith and new life in Jesus Christ for many Herati’s. Pray for greater access by workers to live in Herat, Afghanistan with new and creative entry strategies that provide long-term work options so vital for relationship-building that leads to proclamation.

Transform Europe Network

Europe  |  Kosovo
January 2024

Kosovo is going through a difficult time politically and economically. The national news is warning about the threats of Serbian military invasion in Kosovo. Pray for the peace of God to reign in this region. In the last month over half a million people have left Kosovo, which has brought economic instability. There is also a rise of religious tensions in the country, especially within the Islamic community. We have seen a decline within the evangelical church and the need for workers and missionaries is very high in the country.

Transform Europe Network

Europe  |  Kosovo
August 2023

Please pray for peace and stability for Kosovo and the region as the situation with Serbia government has been very unsettled recently. The Serbia government do not recognise Kosovo’s declaration of independence passed in 2008. The evangelical Church is very small but growing. From about 80 believers at the outbreak of war in 1998, there are now over 2,000 young men and teens who know Jesus. Please pray for more people to come to know Jesus in this challenging environment, and for the Christian Church to shine like a beacon of light in this small country.

BMS World Mission

Europe  |  Kosovo
February 2023

Kosovo is a majority Muslim country, but the Christian population there is growing. As the Christian minority attends church services this week, pray that God’s Word will be shared, responded to and have an impact on churchgoers so that they are salt and light in Kosovo.

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