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Europe  |  Moldova
June 2024

Thank God that Beginning of Life’s Urban Kids project continues to help children and their parents to grow closer together, know how to express their feelings and have fun together. Beginning of Life in Moldova have asked for us to pray that God would bring about opportunities for them to spread awareness of the importance of holistic support for children and young people, especially to local leaders.


Europe  |  Moldova
April 2024

Give thanks for the 12 children who graduated Beginning of Life’s Urban Kids project last year and have now successfully completed their first term at primary school. Praise God for the holistic development they received from a young age & the impact this has had. Also, give thanks to God for Beginning of Life’s Psychological Art Studio in Moldova which continues to support those suffering from post-traumatic stress against the backdrop of the ongoing war in Ukraine.


Europe  |  Moldova
April 2024

Beginning of Life in Moldova would like us to pray for God’s guidance & strength as they seek new ways to meet the needs of their beneficiaries. Ask God to provide for them as they struggle with unpredictable price increases due to the war in Ukraine. Pray they would be able to purchase essential supplies for their programmes at a fair price.

Transform Europe Network

Europe  |  Moldova
January 2024

Pray for Moldova, the poorest country in Europe. Many people of working age are leaving the country to find work elsewhere. Pray that they would stay and build up the local economy. Pray especially that Christian young men would choose to stay in the country to share the good news and build up the churches in Moldova.


Europe  |  Moldova
December 2023

Thank God that 83 at-risk women attend the weekly outreach and restoration classes as part of Beginning of Life’s School for Parents in Moldova. Pray for stamina for the team and volunteers at Beginning of Life who serve vulnerable people so passionately every day and share the Gospel with them. Praise God for the newly started Beginning of Life educational cluster for 7-9 year olds. There are now three groups which reach 140 children from local neighbourhoods. Pray also for a resolution regarding the issue with the permission from the Department of Education for the access to schools.


Europe  |  Moldova
October 2023

Pray for the six therapy groups and the School for Parents (for single mothers) at Beginning of Life in Moldova. Ask God to guide & heal those struggling with poverty and exploitation.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Europe  |  Moldova, Ukraine
August 2023

A successful summer school of mission in Moldova meant that 39 couples came to study marriage, family life, studies from the Old Testament from an Israeli and Islamic studies. We were pleased to have Rev Duane Miller share in building relationships with Muslims and growing in a better understanding of communicating the Gospel. Out of the summer school came the need to have a colloquium on contextualisation and theology in March 2024. We are looking to build a consensus for church planting amongst Uzbeks three main topics will provide the framework.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Europe  |  Moldova, Ukraine
August 2023

We rejoice that the church in Moldova is deeply involved in helping churches meet needs in Ukraine


Europe  |  Moldova
July 2023

Pray that all goes well for Beginning of Life in Moldova as they look to obtain a new permission from the Ministry of Education for their engagement into schools. Praise God for the faithfulness and passion of the Beginning of Life team of 30 volunteers that serve every week at the Urban Youth Centre for teenagers and young people from different parts of the city in Moldova. Pray for the team and church volunteers who are often overwhelmed with the pain of refugee women who are served every week in the groups.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Europe  |  Moldova
May 2023

DGU in Moldova are sending student teams to Turkey through the summer to share in practical ways and ministry-wise with those damaged areas.


Europe  |  Moldova
April 2023

Pray for Baltsata refugee camp in Moldova as they care for 120 Ukrainian refugees. Soaring prices mean they are struggling to pay their gas bill. Pray for the new programme at Beginning of Life, reaching out to 100 Ukrainian refugees currently settled in Chisinau. Many of these are elderly & need ongoing physical and emotional support. Pray for all the new leaders being raised through Beginning of Life’s ‘Urban Teens’ programme, that they will grow in their discipleship and develop servant hearts. Pray for the Beginning of Life team as they guide them at this pivotal time of their lives.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Europe  |  Moldova
March 2023

Graduates of Divitia Gratiae University (DGU) in Moldova are holding a summer camp in Kirghizia and volunteers are needed to serve, teach English, and make friends of some of the 250-youth attending. It is an Extreme camp which means hiking, living under canvas and living al fresco. Summer camp in Moldova in June will host 35 couples from Central Asia to attend refresher courses and learn more about church planting and discipleship from Duane Miller from Spain this year, others are invited to help and teach English.

A child holding the world in their hands

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