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Asia  |  Pakistan
June 2024

Thank God that ChrisFon’s evangelists have been encouraging parents working in the brick kilns to send their children to school. This will give the children the skills to enable them to get good jobs later on. Pray as well for ChrisFon’s evangelist Taqi*, who reaches out to Sikh communities in the KP province of Pakistan. He is well respected by Sikhs - pray that he would be bold and faithful as he shares God’s word with them. *name changed for security reasons


Asia  |  Pakistan
June 2024

Ask God to use ChrisFon to provide practical help to those suffering due to the recent, disastrous flooding in the KP province of Pakistan. Pray that God would enable them to help those most in need. Also, ask God to continue to use the mosquito nets and repellent funded by our Water Appeal to bless those who need it most in Pakistan, supported by ChrisFon.


Asia  |  Pakistan
April 2024

Pray for ChrisFon’s witness to the Pashtun community in Pakistan. They are known as a ‘warrior race’ but so far ChrisFon’s evangelists have found they have hearts open to the Gospel. “These sheep now have a shepherd who tends them” Give thanks to God that many people working on the brick kilns are now walking faithfully with God, thanks to the godly witness of ChrisFon.


Asia  |  Pakistan
April 2024

Please pray that the women given sewing machines by ChrisFon in Pakistan would be able to make money for their families from the clothes they make. Praise God that, thanks to generous donations to our Water Appeal, we have been able to provide mosquito nets for 1,000 families! Please pray that as ChrisFon distribute the nets, they would point the people they serve to Jesus.


Asia  |  Pakistan
February 2024

Give great praise to God that, thanks to the support they received through ChrisFon’s brick kiln projects, 18 families are now debt free! Pray that their testimonies of freedom would point others to Christ. Ask God to help ChrisFon to find suitable people to lead literacy classes at the brick kiln projects located in more remote areas.


Asia  |  Pakistan
December 2023

Pray for the provision of education to the women in Afghanistan, and that the Lord may use ChrisFon to help these women find hope and spiritual strength.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Asia  |  India, Pakistan
October 2023

A fresh wave of persecution in Pakistan and India is aimed at the church. Afghan refugees in Pakistan are being ejected back into Afghanistan and will be persecuted again. EEF is changing its emphasis to provide literature in all the Central Asia languages to undergird the education and training of the emerging churches in CA including Afghanistan. The Pakistan government is ejecting illegal refugees and there are many believers amongst them. They are being fined $1,200 to be able to leave the country to a safe place, Donations are quickly needed.


Asia  |  Pakistan
October 2023

Pray for wisdom and the right words for the workers of ChrisFon, to effectively share the message of hope with those in Afghanistan seeking the Gospel. Pray for ChrisFon's efforts to provide mosquito nets and repellents for rural families in flood-affected areas of Pakistan, keeping them safe from diseases like dengue fever and malaria.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Asia  |  Pakistan
August 2023

Trishkova is stuck in Islamabad looking for sponsors to get out of Pakistan, Yalda needs funds to pay the fines for overstaying her time in Pakistan (all Afghans are being squeezed this way) and Farid is coordinating ministry from Canada to the many believers he has been in touch with, in Afghanistan.

South Asian Concern

Asia  |  Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan
August 2023

Pray for the preparations and translation work for 15 days of prayer for Hindus that God would use these resources to create awareness among churches and believers and to generate more prayer for the South Asian Diaspora.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Asia  |  Pakistan
July 2023

Sponsors are needed for women abandoned in Afghanistan and who fled to Pakistan and are now impoverished and suffering. Many are eating grass to survive.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Asia  |  Pakistan
March 2023

Three believing ladies are stuck in Pakistan in great poverty and distress. We need to see them adopted and sponsored to help them get out. Pray for Shukria (which means Thankful) as she needs to get to Pakistan for treatment for cancer. She is a 65-year-old widow who served to train Afghan women in carpet weaving and the gospel.

A child holding the world in their hands

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