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Langham Partnership UK & Ireland

South America  |  Peru
June 2024

Recently, the final training for a group of participants took place in Tacna and after three years of learning together they celebrated. One of the participants wrote this testimony “I used to think it wasn’t so important to study the Scriptures in depth to preach them. I [now] realise how wrong I was”. Praise God for the impact of His Word on these participants and pray for them as they continue to apply all that they have learnt.

BMS World Mission

South America  |  Peru
October 2023

We at BMS World Mission are excited to be seeing the first fruits of the expansion of our partnership with the Baptist Evangelical Convention of Peru (CEBP) beyond church leadership training, community social projects and environmental action. Pray for success as BMS-supported worker Pastor Carlos, and Pastors Manuel and Pepe, implement CEBP’s bold plan to start 150 new churches in Peru and overseas. Pray too for the strengthening and expanding of current mission work.


South America  |  Peru
August 2023

Viva's partner network of eight churches and faith-based organisations in Peru has this year launched a Comprehensive Learning and Training Centre, which includes a Learning Space to support children who have fallen behind in their education. Children living in poverty, in rural areas, those with disabilities and migrant families are particularly vulnerable. Pray that many children and their families would be holistically supported through network initiatives such as Family Strengthening and the Learning Space, so as to help reduce the risk of children falling behind and dropping out of school, limiting their future learning and employment opportunities.

BMS World Mission

South America  |  Peru
September 2022

Thank God for the lives reached through the Mission Integral Training Programme in Peru, supported by BMS World Mission’s Mission Innovation Fund. Please pray for wisdom as to how to develop activities and programmes here.

A child holding the world in their hands

World Prayer News

A simple prayer guide with worldwide prayer requests from our network members – can you support world mission through prayer?

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