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Wycliffe Bible Translators

Africa  |  Senegal
January 2023

The Gusilay team in Senegal have recently finished translating the book of Genesis and are now recording parts of it. Pray that the voice actors would speak their lines in an engaging way for the recording of the voices of the Genesis film. Praise God for all who were involved in composing songs about Abraham and creation and pray that it would give them a desire to know the stories behind the songs. Pray for God to be at work in the hearts of many in the Gusilay community as they hear his word.

WEC International

Africa  |  Senegal
November 2022

Mandingo/Mandinka in Senegal: Nearly 2.5 million Mandingo or Mandinka people live across eight countries. Though they have the Bible, they are still categorised as unreached, most markedly so in Senegal, where they are indigenous. Pray for Mandinka leaders to open the door for workers to live among the Mandingo and build lasting relationships with them.

WEC International

Africa  |  Senegal
October 2022

Jola Bible launch: For nearly 15 years WEC missionary Miran and her colleagues have been translating the Bible into Jola. Recently literacy teams have been going into Jola villages, teaching the people to read and write in their own language while sharing Bible stories. Now the Jola Bible is printed and arrived in Senegal. The formal launch took place in Sibanor on 2nd July. Praise the Lord that now the Holy Spirit can speak directly through Scripture to these people. Pray for every copy to bless Jola believers and bring salvation to whole families and communities.

A child holding the world in their hands

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