
The ongoing war in Sudan has caused widespread devastation, disrupting Bible translation efforts. Bible translation teams in Sudan remain committed despite the destruction of resources and the scattering of teams. Ask God to bring lasting peace to Sudan, healing its people and enabling the translation teams to resume their vital work. Pray for the translators, scattered by the conflict, to find safety, strength, and the resources needed to rebuild. Pray too for provision as the translation team replaces stolen equipment and plans future projects amid immense challenges.
In some points in North Africa there is amazing freedom to distribute Bibles openly on the street. OM teams have worked with local churches and other ministries to place millions of Bibles in recent years. The entrance of God’s Word brings light.
Bedawi Beja in Sudan: The Beja are a Muslim group of over 2.7 million Cushitic people who live scattered across the desert regions of Sudan, Egypt, and Eritrea, and speak Bedawiyet rather than Arabic or Tigre. They are mostly nomadic shepherds, though some grow cotton and grain and many are fearful of jinni spirits. Pray for God to increase evangelistic materials in the Bedawiya language, and may prayer teams see breakthroughs in establishing fellowships of believers.
1. That the fighting in Khartoum and other cities stops 2. For the Wounded and the families that have lost their loved ones. Over 400 deaths and thousands Wounded have been reported. 3. For the displaced citizens. Many people have been displaced out of Khartoum to other cities. Pray for relief and humanitarian agencies to step in to help. Those who have crossed international borders to South Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt etc. 4. For doctors and hospitals caring for the Wounded. Pray for medical supplies. 5. For the international community to quickly act and intervene
Please pray for those who have been affected by the traumatic events that have occurred in Sudan. If you or your team is impacted by ongoing events, then Thrive WorldWide have created this helpful document with ways they can support you.
Medair UK
Since 15th April, violent clashes have once again plunged Sudan into chaos. Peoples’ needs are growing by the hour as the humanitarian situation deteriorates. Please pray for peace, reconciliation and stability. Pray for provision for the 15.8 million people who already needed humanitarian aid and are facing severe food insecurity and a lack of safe water. Pray for those who are fleeing their homes to seek refuge in neighbouring countries and those who remain living in combat zones.
Please lift up the nation of Sudan after fighting between military factions began just over a week ago. We pray that God's peace will abound in this nation, and that ceasefires will hold. Please pray for those fleeing the violence, both local people and foreign nationals. Pray for protection on their journeys, that they will find safety and welcome wherever they are led to. Lord we cry out to you for the nation of Sudan, we thank you that you're in control and we pray that your mercy and peace will be known to all here.
Baggara Arabs in Sudan: There are approximately 4 million Shuwa or Baggara Arab people. Joshua Project informs us: “Because the people are so devoted to the Islamic faith, very few of them have converted to follow Jesus. Also, the nomadic lifestyle of the Baggara makes it very difficult for missionaries to reach them.” Pray for resolutions to these challenges, so that they can have such an encounter with Jesus that will transform their communities.

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