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Middle East  |  Turkey
June 2024

Give thanks to God for Kanal Hayat’s online ‘YouthBytes’ programme. Pray that presenter Chad Daniel would share the Gospel in an engaging way, which will reach many young people in Turkey and West Asia. Please also pray for Kanal Hayat as they look for a new studio to rent in Istanbul in order to enhance the quality and efficiency of their filming.


Middle East  |  Turkey
June 2024

“I live in a village in Bulgaria. There is no fellowship nearby, so your channel is my fellowship. I praise God for your ministry!” Echo the praise of this lady and thank God that Kanal Hayat’s programmes are reaching so many with the Gospel.


Middle East  |  Turkey
April 2024

Ask God to continue to bring local people who don’t yet know about Jesus to Antakya Christian Church, as well as mature believers.


Middle East  |  Turkey
April 2024

Thank God that through their witness, using Christian broadcasting, Kanal Hayat is seeing an increasing number of new believers in Turkey & West Asia. Pray for local believers to be able to effectively connect with new believers and disciple them. Ask God to use Kanal Hayat’s new online series ‘Virtues of Christianity’ to spur believers in Turkey and West Asia to live godly lives which will point others to Jesus and that new people would continue to hear about their programmes through word of mouth.


Middle East  |  Turkey
February 2024

Kanal Hayat would like us to pray for God to provide the right people to help work on their marketing and communications, enabling CEO Martin to be freed up to focus on other things. Give thanks to God for the opportunity Easter provides for Kanal Hayat as they broadcast the Good News online to people in Turkey and West Asia. May their programmes over the next month speak clearly of the hope & freedom that Christ brings.


Middle East  |  Turkey
February 2024

Antakya Christian Church would like prayer for their children’s ministry. They would love to restart their weekly Gospel outreach events for around 100 local children, providing they have the staff. Thank God as well that they were able to host three events for ladies who had suffered as a result of the earthquake. There were between 60 and 120 at each event. Ask God to bring healing, comfort & peace to those still hurting.


Middle East  |  Turkey
December 2023

Praise God for the growth of Antakya Christian Church. Ask God to send mature, Turkish-speaking workers to support Hamdullah and Elmas as they minister to new believers and seekers, granting them wisdom, strength, and an outpouring of love.


Middle East  |  Turkey
December 2023

Praise God that Kanal Hayat have seen their YouTube channel grow considerably throughout 2023, enabling them to reach even more people in Turkey & West Asia with the Gospel. As we enter a new year, please pray this trend would continue. Due to an expanding team and new technology, Kanal Hayat need to update their IT systems. Please pray this would come to fruition.


Middle East  |  Turkey
December 2023

Thank God that First Hope Association have opened a second school in the container city in Turkey, giving more children regular education after months of nothing. As winter conditions arrive, please pray that the containers and tents provided by First Hope Association would withstand the rain and snowfall, keeping people safe.


Middle East  |  Turkey
October 2023

Pray that the provision of educational materials by First Hope Association in Turkey is a testimony of God’s love and care for the earthquake-affected communities. Pray for First Hope Association's unceasing efforts in Turkey's earthquake-stricken areas. They are diligently moving families into container villages to improve living conditions. Pray for God's strength and abundant provision as they carry out this crucial task.


Middle East  |  Turkey
August 2023

Ask God to continue to bring local people who don’t yet know about Jesus to Antakya Christian Church in Turkey, as well as mature believers.

WEC International

Middle East  |  Turkey
June 2023

Zaza-Dimli people in Türkiye: The Zaza people are nomadic Alevi Muslims and are largely illiterate with an oral tradition. Living in eastern Türkiye, most of the Zaza-Dimli people identify as Kurdish, tracing their origins back to the Medes and Persians. May they memorise the message of our Redeemer by memorising the Bible stories they hear.

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