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Penhurst Retreat Centre

charity | Global Connections


Hospitality and residential Member care and TCK care


Penhurst is a small, friendly retreat centre which has a heart for cross-cultural mission. It seeks to be responsive to the needs of UK and overseas mission workers, offering an ideal environment for reflection, recreation and renewal. Staff and volunteers have listening and personal debriefing skills and are available to spend time with guests. For some people their greatest need is just to "be" and enjoy quiet space, free of any demands. The centre offers guests opportunities to encounter God within a warm, peaceful and relaxing environment.

The house was previously the home of Paul and Rosalind Broomhall who offered hospitality to missionaries from all over the world. Paul was great nephew of James Hudson Taylor and the house contains many artefacts associated with the history of mission.

The centre is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 8 miles from the coast, 90 minutes from London and 1 hour from Gatwick airport.

UK and overseas mission workers can relax, renew and encounter God in this beautiful setting

Where they work


  • Europe


  • United Kingdom

Affiliations and accreditations

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