People International
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Central Asia is a region of half a billion people, less than half of one percent are Bible-believing Christians. Not only is it the least reached region in the world it is also the least served by Gospel workers.
People International is committed to establishing and enabling the church in Cental Asia.
The main aim of People International is to recruit, train and send new gospel workers to Central Asia. Workers to evangelise in the places that remain stubbornly unreached, to disciple to enable the church to grow and reach the unreached, and to show Christ's compassion to meet the very real social and humanitarian needs that exist across Central Asia.
Unveiling Gods glory to Central Asian Muslims by establishing and enabling His church.
Where they work
- Asia
- Europe
- Middle East
- United Kingdom
- Azerbaijan
- China
- Cyprus
- Iran
- Iraq
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Pakistan
- Russia
- Tajikistan
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan
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