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Pioneers UK & Ireland

charity | Global Connections


Care, health and medical Communications and marketing Community and social action Education and training Evangelism and discipleship International Development Music and media Sports and outdoor pursuits Translation and literature Youth and children


Making Disciples

Founded in 1979 by former businessman Ted Fletcher and his wife, Peggy, Pioneers partners with local churches to make disciples and initiate church-planting movements among unreached peoples. The unreached are cultural and ethnic groups without a self-sustaining witness to the gospel in their own cultures.

From business and education to healthcare, agriculture, the arts, and more, our 3,000 global members use their diverse gifts and experience to serve in needy communities. As they do, they see  God transform lives across cultures and people groups everywhere.

Reaching the Unreached

Whether in sprawling cities or rural villages, our teams make their homes in unreached contexts and learn new languages. They use innovative and creative means to build relationships and make disciples. They introduce people to the Bible and share the gospel in culturally understandable ways.

Working Together

We work in partnership with the local church. Each missionary is commissioned by a sending church. The sacrificial gifts of friends, family, and churches provide financial support. This makes it possible for cross-cultural missionaries to work alongside local believers with a heart to see disciples making disciples, worldwide.

Pioneers values integrity and accountability. For this reason, we link arms with other evangelical mission organizations and submit to godly leadership.

Pioneers empowers gospel-driven Christians to go to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached

Where they work


  • Worldwide

Affiliations and accreditations

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