Being Filled With the Spirit and Radiating Christ's Glory
Am I, and are you, spending enough time in His presence and listening to His voice enough to not just reflect His presence, but to have His Spirit radiating from within us?
Posted on 05 March 2025 by Ben Stansfield

With so much challenge and uncertainty facing the world at the moment, I was reminded in church on Sunday of the account of Moses (Exodus 34:29-35) when he came down from Mount Sinai with his face shining. So much so, that the Israelites made him cover his face. Moses’ face shone, because he had been in God’s presence, but the glory was not his own and over time, it faded.
In contrast, during the transfiguration, Jesus radiated glory from within, revealing His divine nature. Unlike Moses, Jesus was not merely reflecting God’s glory – He was the glory of God in human form (Hebrews 1:3).
Paul teaches that in Christ we can be transformed into His image (2 Corinthians 3:18 & Romans 12:2). To do this we will need to spend time in His presence, and “Listen to Him”, as God’s voice also commanded them at the transfiguration.
In a world of competing voices, we need to listen to what He is saying and spend time in His presence, to be transformed by His Spirit.
I have known of a few people in my life who spent so much time in His presence, that their lives have just shone for Jesus, and you could see a visible difference in their eyes.
Am I, and are you, spending enough time in His presence and listening to His voice enough to not just reflect His presence, but to have His Spirit radiating from within us? Sadly, I know I still have far to go, but perhaps we can be each other’s encouragers, to keep moving in that direction?
Within the network, we have been seeking to listen to God and each other, to determine what we focus on this year. We unpack this in the March edition of Network News, but this is not a static event. We want to be continuing to spend time together to search His ongoing will, and we would love to hear what He is saying to you on this too.

Meet the Author
Having trained initially as a teacher and moved into youth & student work, Ben then followed a desire to work with Christian organisations seeking to tackle the causes of poverty and injustice. Combining this with studying a MSc in Global Development Management & an MBA, Ben has spent the last 25+ years working for international development charities, local church based community organisations and international discipleship ministries......