The Lausanne Congress 4
In this article Laura Sanlon introduces us to the Lausanne Congress 4
Posted on 29 August 2024 by Global Connections

The Fourth Lausanne Congress will take place this September (22nd- 28th) in Incheon, Seoul, South Korea. It will be an incredible experience for those invited to participate and represent their country. This year the Lausanne Movement celebrates its 50th Anniversary. The First International Congress on World Evangelisation was held as the result of Billy Graham sensing the need to gather people from around the world to consider Christian Mission. 2,500 people gathered from 150 nations. The ‘Lausanne Covenant’ developed under the leadership of John Stott has helped to define evangelical theology and practice, and has fostered many new partnerships and collaborative initiatives.
In 1989 the 2nd Lausanne Congress was held in the Philippines and in 2010 the 3rd Lausanne Congress was held in South Africa. 2024 will see the 4th Lausanne Congress take place with 5.000 participants on site and others on-line from 200 participating nations.
Lausanne 4 has been described as a once-in-a-generation Global Gathering of believers from around the world and will consider how the global church is fulfilling the Great Commission given by the Lord Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19-20).
The themes for Lausanne 4 have been developed through a 4-year global listening process of research. The results of the research will be published and available to the Global Church to consider, reflect and act upon during the years ahead, even until 2050! The State of the Great Commission Report is already available. Believers all around the world will have access to information that will help “the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole world”.
See web page:
I count it a privilege to participate in this Fourth Lausanne Gathering. It will be my first time attending such a global gathering and I can only imagine that the worship times will be a reflection of heaven with so many countries represented. That experience alone will no doubt be amazing.
I am hoping to meet others who are passionate about the same areas of mission that I am and that those of us serving in and researching about the movement of peoples around the world can connect and collaborate in the future. There is such a need to get a better picture of what is actually happening and what God is doing and I believe collaborating together can help gather the information faster and make it known so action can be taken.
I am looking forward to seeing how the different topics are dealt with. Having helped carry out the research in Europe for Lausanne, it will be great to see the results of the global research discussed, key areas highlighted and plans made to take action in the years ahead.
I am also excited to see South Korea and see first-hand the impact of the Gospel in that country. It has been famous for Prayer Mountain and for sending many missionaries.
I am looking forward to living the experience with others from Ireland so that we share with others on our return.
Please pray God will work powerfully during the Global Gathering and in the years to follow.

Meet the Author
Laura is on the Lausanne Global Listening Team and currently works in Nairobi. Originally Laura studied Business Management, Administration and Law before going on to train at Belfast Bible College. Later Laura graduated with an MA in Theology: Pastoral Studies from the University of Wales, Lampeter. More recently she completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Missional Leadership from York St John University. Laura loves study and research and is currently doing some for my ministry in Kenya which is to help train Africans for cross-cultural ministry (what some call ‘Reverse Mission’).