Posted on 05 July 2023 by Pam McCullagh

Flightmode’s vision is to inspire and equip young people to pray and look at what God is doing, inwardly, in their personal lives, and outwardly, in their neighbourhoods and across the nations.
Flightmode is for youth groups who intentionally want to grow in their understanding of, prayer for, and involvement in mission.
It aims to help young people and their church families connect with Mission Action Partnership (MAP - mapmission.org) and discover more of their role in mission.
This three-session resource has been developed by mission agency members of MAP.
It is a flexible resource with a mix of videos, PowerPoints, bibles studies and ice breaker activities which can be used however the youth group leader sees fit.
You can download the PDFs and PowerPoints for FREE below:
Introducing Flightmode
Flightmode - briefing document for youth leaders
1 MB | pdf
Flightmode explained - presentation
585 KB | pdf

Flightmode - Session One - The Journey
Session one offers a brief overview of what the Bible says about mission. It introduces MAP and specific MAP organisations who actively want to be involved in engaging with young people, and includes some short snappy videos from specific MAP organisations, giving a flavour of the range of mission contexts and areas of focus.
Session One
Flightmode Session One
2 MB | pdf
Flightmode Powerpoint - Session One
914 KB | pdf
What is mission?
This short video explores what mission is.
What does prayer mean to you?
This short video explores what prayer means to our partner organisations.
Share a prayer story
This short video explores some inspirational answers to prayer.

Session Two - The Fuel
Looks more closely at the role of prayer in the world of mission – focusing on Exodus 17 where Moses, Aaron and Hur held up their hands in prayer to see the defeat of the Amalekites. This would be a conversation-based session where young people reflect on the fact that prayer is not just a solo activity, but one where they support one another in their walk with God.
Session Two
Flightmode Session Two
2 MB | pdf

Session Three - The Oxygen Mask
This session reminds young people that all their ‘work’ for God flows out of their relationship with Him, who He is and who He has made them to be. Young people will engage with an individual reflective exercise based on Psalm 8 (and/or Psalm 13).
Session Three
Flightmode Session Three
2 MB | pdf
Flightmode Powerpoint - Session Three
639 KB | pdf
Flightmode Session Three powerpoint - youth leader notes
445 KB | pdf
Flightmode Session Three - Psalm 8
8 MB | pdf
Flightmode Session Three - Psalm 13
8 MB | pdf