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Elliot Expanded

Elliot Carey

Communications and Marketing Manager | Global Connections

Elliot grew up in northern Thailand where he lived with his family in a guest house aimed at providing a space of rest and refreshment for Christian workers in difficult places. Growing up in this environment gave him an opportunity to hear many stories of how God was building his kingdom across the globe. After finishing school, Elliot spent a year interning for an agricultural charity where he spent a lot of time sitting in a fridge counting seeds, but he also picked up some useful tips and tricks for running a charity’s social media. Since then, Elliot has completed a degree in Plant Science at the University of Nottingham, worked a year doing sustainability projects in the fruit and vegetable industry, and another supporting the Christian Unions. In his spare time, Elliot loves starting new hobbies, spending far too much time making coffee, reading, playing games with his friends, and cooking up strange fusion foods, much to the disappointment of his food scientist wife!