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Reach Beyond

Europe  |  Greece
April 2024

A mission team visited Athens last month in partnership with the Quest Academy online seminary. The team consisted of Iranian Muslim background believers from Europe as well as individuals from the UK. They had some great opportunities to share their faith stories with the refugees at our partner clinic and at the Malakasa refugee camp. Pray that the Lord will continue to challenge the team members as they look at future mission opportunities and pray for those who were befriended by them.

BMS World Mission

Europe  |  Cyprus, Greece
August 2023

Greece and Cyprus have had to bear an inequitable share of bearing up the lives of those fleeing their home countries. Pray that BMS and All4Aid will help advocate to make Greece and Cyprus fairer places for people on the move and to keep their plight high on the agenda of European nations. Give thanks for the safe space for women and girls that BMS partner All4Aid provides on Lesbos, Greece. Pray that as well as being able to shower, wash clothes, pick up essential items and chat, the centre users would experience a deep sense of God’s love.

A child holding the world in their hands

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