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Reach Beyond

Africa  |  Guinea-bissau
December 2023

Radio is popular in Guinea Bissau but their infrastructure is very poor. One month after a radio partner in Guinea Bissau started to pray about increasing the broadcast coverage of their Christian station, a 'Kingdom investor' came out of the blue and asked if they had considered broadcasting into more of the country! Pray as we help the partner to investigate a reliable and cost-effective way to send their signal over large distances to the repeater towers that will be required. Pray for the many unreached people who will hear about Jesus.


Africa  |  Guinea-bissau, Mozambique
August 2023

Pray for missionaries from Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau were trained online to counsel vulnerable children using Lifewords’ Pavement Project. Thank God for their dedication and enthusiasm, and for the tools to help children and their families.

WEC International

Africa  |  Guinea-bissau
November 2022

Mane Balanta in Guinea-Bissau: These unreached Mane Balanta people require scriptures in the Balanta-Kentohe language. There are estimated to be 32,000 living in Guinea-Bissau. The overwhelming majority practice folk Islam. In Bisabur, Barro and Bijene there are larger groups of Roman Catholics. In southern Senegal there is a Balanta Mane church. A handful of mission agencies are working amongst them. Pray for skilled translators to respond to that need, and for those working among the Balanta to increase their understanding of the culture and language.

A child holding the world in their hands

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