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Zambesi Mission

Africa  |  Malawi, Mozambique
May 2024

A significant lack of rainfall across Malawi and northern Mozambique paints a bleak outlook for food security and hunger later in the year as prices of staples have already begun rising. A role of the newly-formed Malawi Advisory Council will be to determine how best to allocate any available resources to those who face greatest need. Please pray for God’s continued divine provision and for wisdom and unity for this group of local believers as they decide on this and also on the future direction of Zambesi Mission’s partnerships.


Africa  |  Guinea-bissau, Mozambique
August 2023

Pray for missionaries from Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau were trained online to counsel vulnerable children using Lifewords’ Pavement Project. Thank God for their dedication and enthusiasm, and for the tools to help children and their families.

WEC International

Africa  |  Mozambique
February 2023

Mwani in Mozambique: There are an estimated 161,000 Mwani people in Mozambique, living on the Northern coast and nearby islands. Their ethnic identity is entwined with being Muslim. Many do not speak the national language, Portuguese, so opportunities to understand the gospel are limited. Furthermore, “most Mwani are illiterate in their own language” (JoshuaProject). Pray for Christians willing to learn the Mwani native language and minister to these people.

WEC International

Africa  |  Mozambique
February 2023

Makwe people of Mozambique: This majority Muslim people dwells in the Cabo Delgado province, from the Tanzanian border to the Rovuma River. The men engage in a lot of trade, so many of them understand Swahili, with the more educated also understanding Portuguese. This means there are small opportunities tohear the gospel. Pray for more avenues through which these men can hear the gospel and encounter Jesus.

WEC International

Africa  |  Mozambique
February 2023

Muslim Yao people in Mozambique: “There is a need for missionaries who can patiently learn the Ciyawo language, develop relationships in the villages and make disciples by displaying the love of Christ, preaching the gospel and operating in the signs and wonders, as the Yao people are very ‘spiritual’ people who have experienced the power of demonic forces in their lives and communities” (Joshua Project). There is an estimated 450,000 Yao in Mozambique, mostly occupying the north-western province of Niassa. Colonialism led their chiefs to believe that Christianity would have a negative economic effect on the people. Pray for this barrier to be overcome: that they would encounter the love of Christ.

WEC International

Africa  |  Mozambique
February 2023

Makhuwa in Mozambique: The Makhuwa Nahara are a majority-Muslim people group, who number 516,000, found mostly “on the coast of Mozambique, in Mossuril, Nacala-a-Velha, and Memba districts” (Joshua Project). Local churches are in the area; pray that they may find a way to connect with the Nahara. Pray for teachers and pastors to be available to instruct new believers in the ways of the Lord, leading them to spiritual maturity and fruitfulness.

Pray for Africa following Al Massira’s recent face to face gathering in Sierra Leone where 15 African nations were present. The Gospel is being shared through the AM resources in several languages. Two fruitful trainings have just taken place in Tanzania, and others in Uganda, Mozambique and another coming up in Kenya early in 2023. Pray for Holy Spirit power, courage, and wisdom for the Persecuted Church, particularly in Nigeria. May the faithful team there and across Africa know the presence, power, and peace of the King as He loves and leads them forward to advance His Kingdom across Africa!

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