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The Dohnavur Fellowship Corporation

Asia  |  India
March 2025

Please pray for the Dohnavur Fellowship, they have recently welcomed some new girls to the home, and are looking at different ways to expand thier outreach to be able to help more children and families. We thank God for the provision of a new Ambulance, electric car to help transport the elderly Accals around the campus, an electic buggy to move food and supplies, and a new tractor for the farm.

Global Care

Asia  |  India
March 2025

We pray for our newly-launched Lent Appeal, supporting Dalit families in Patripul. Give thanks for our partners, the GCare Foundation, and their unwavering commitment to Dalit children. Please pray for: Opportunities and fair access to education for children in Patripul, safety for Dalit girls often disregarded even by their families, protection for the staff and GCare Centres against higher caste groups opposing their work, a positive response to our Lent Appeal.


Asia  |  India
February 2025

Ask God to bless JKPS’ baptism programme in India, that those exploring Christianity would put their trust in Jesus and grow in their love and knowledge of Him. Praise God with JKPS that their social enterprise project has received a new export order for handmade bags. Thank the Lord for the skill of the women making the items and pray that the income they will earn will help them to support their families.


Asia  |  India
September 2024

Praise God that the students and tutors at JKPS’ Bethel Training Institute had a meaningful Independence Day celebration last month. Please pray for ongoing religious freedom in India, enabling JKPS to flourish. Also, ask God to be with the sponsored children supported by JKPS, who are in year 11, as they take their first-semester exams during September. May they remember all they have learnt and work to the best of their ability.

Please pray for Samaritan Ministries for the Lord to provide as we rebuild the school, campsite, dental clinic, farm and sports projects to impact children and young people for the Gospel. Also for good partnerships with local and global ministries to do our work in excellence and for the families we support and who work for us including refugees.

Torch Trust

Asia  |  India
July 2024

Pray that the braille Bible volumes being produced would reach their destinations in India. Pray for those receiving them, that they would grow spiritually and spread the Good News with others through the braille Bibles.


Asia  |  India
June 2024

Thank God that the students on JKPS’ Diploma in Ministry course and Community Transformation programme in India have finished their exams. Pray that they would all trust God with the outcome. Please pray also for the good health of JKPS staff and volunteers as they continue their work on forming new house fellowships in unreached communities in India.


Asia  |  India
June 2024

Pray that the recent three-day summer camp which took place for 550 children supported by JKPS in India was successful and brings many to faith. Thank God also that JKPS were able to conduct discipleship training, medical outreach and scheduled field visits last month, despite the heatwave in India.

The Dohnavur Fellowship Corporation

Asia  |  India
May 2024

Please pray for the Dohnavur Fellowship, who are currently looking at new ways to reach out to their local community, and exploring options to fund these new projects that will continue to help those in poverty and need in rural India.

In South Asia, they have some of the highest numbers of unreached people groups in the world, with the equivalent of only 1 full time Christian worker for every 500,000 Muslims. Pray for the Gospel to be spread here.

Reach Beyond

Asia  |  India
April 2024

Pray for impact from our Marwari gospel broadcasts. Marwari is the main language of the Indian state of Rajasthan and is also spoken in many other places throughout India. Approximately 934,000 people speak this language. Pray that listeners will be challenged by the Christian programmes that they hear on their radios today.


Asia  |  India
April 2024

Please pray that JKPS would get a licence for their newest centre in Sonagachi, the red-light district of Kolkata. It is a shelter for children of sex workers, but they need a government licence to begin operating.

A child holding the world in their hands

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