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Langham Partnership UK & Ireland

Asia  |  India
July 2024

The work in India continues to develop through language-specific preaching movements. A Level Two seminar starts this month in Abohar for the Punjabi preaching movement. Pray for the 40 expected participants and for Veena Bunyan as she facilitates the learning. Give thanks for the way people have been meeting faithfully in their preaching clubs. Please pray for ‘political peace in Punjab—and for a spirit of learning to grow and capture this preaching movement’.


Asia  |  India
June 2024

Thank God that the students on JKPS’ Diploma in Ministry course and Community Transformation programme in India have finished their exams. Pray that they would all trust God with the outcome. Please pray also for the good health of JKPS staff and volunteers as they continue their work on forming new house fellowships in unreached communities in India.


Asia  |  India
June 2024

Pray that the recent three-day summer camp which took place for 550 children supported by JKPS in India was successful and brings many to faith. Thank God also that JKPS were able to conduct discipleship training, medical outreach and scheduled field visits last month, despite the heatwave in India.

The Dohnavur Fellowship Corporation

Asia  |  India
May 2024

Please pray for the Dohnavur Fellowship, who are currently looking at new ways to reach out to their local community, and exploring options to fund these new projects that will continue to help those in poverty and need in rural India.

In South Asia, they have some of the highest numbers of unreached people groups in the world, with the equivalent of only 1 full time Christian worker for every 500,000 Muslims. Pray for the Gospel to be spread here.

Reach Beyond

Asia  |  India
April 2024

Pray for impact from our Marwari gospel broadcasts. Marwari is the main language of the Indian state of Rajasthan and is also spoken in many other places throughout India. Approximately 934,000 people speak this language. Pray that listeners will be challenged by the Christian programmes that they hear on their radios today.


Asia  |  India
April 2024

Please pray that JKPS would get a licence for their newest centre in Sonagachi, the red-light district of Kolkata. It is a shelter for children of sex workers, but they need a government licence to begin operating.


Asia  |  India
April 2024

Thank God for the first and second year students of JKPS’ Diploma in Ministry course who participated in a successful outreach programme on two islands in Bangladesh. Thank God also for the graduation ceremony in April for JKPS’ Bethel Training Institute. Please pray that the event would be a great celebration of hard work and commitment, and that God would direct the future plans of those who graduated.


Asia  |  India
February 2024

Praise God that the sponsored children supported by JKPS had a fantastic time at their Sports Day Celebration last month. May they continue to be built up in confidence. Pray also for the Mahima Homes and Child Sponsorship Programme students that took their Grade 10 and 12 exams in February. Pray that, with the support of JKPS, they would all achieve the results they want.

Global Care

Asia  |  India
February 2024

Pray for Global Care’s Dalit education project in Patripul, near Mumbai. Director Simon will meet our CEO in Sri Lanka next week (19th - 26th February). Pray for the staff team including managers Mahendra and Manisha. Pray for their protection from high caste groups who object to Dalit education. Pray for resilience and effective learning for more than 200 children attending the GCare Centres. Pray for Dalit girls, who are vulnerable to sexual exploitation and abuse.

Pray as we consider the principles of the International Day of Social Justice (20th Feb); pray for human rights, participation, access and equity. Pray we see these flourish in our projects worldwide. Please pray for: increased inclusion for families affected by disability. Increased access to education and health services for minority groups. Equity for girls, disproportionately affected by both Covid and climate change. Pray for greater access to fair legal systems, which support human rights.

Global Care

Asia  |  India
February 2024

Pray for Global Care’s Dalit education project in Patripul, near Mumbai. Director Simon will meet our CEO in Sri Lanka next week (19th – 26th February). Pray for the staff team including managers Mahendra and Manisha. Pray for their protection from high caste groups who object to Dalit education. Pray for resilience and effective learning for more than 200 children attending the GCare Centres. Pray for Dalit girls, who are vulnerable to sexual exploitation and abuse.

A child holding the world in their hands

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