
Please pray for Lilly who is looking for a new job as a Russian translator.
Please pray as Jesus instructed in Luke 10 v 2: "The harvest is plentiful” (more than 700 million people in Europe don’t know Jesus) "but the workers are few” (our mission has only around 250 workers). "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field please pray for more missionaries.
In one republic of the former Soviet Union, years of broadcasting Christian programmes on a secular radio station is having impact. One producer visited one of the villages recently and when he started talking to a local man, the man said, “"It's you! Are you the presenter of this programme? I recognised your voice." After a conversation the man accepted Jesus as his saviour. Then he said: “I’ll go home right now and ask my wife and children for forgiveness, because I understand that I tormented them with my alcohol addiction...” Pray that these programmes will continue to bear fruit during these troubled times.
The North Caucasus is an ancient and rugged land where Eastern Europe meets Western Asia and is home to more than seven million people, with a vast array of ethnic backgrounds. Though Islam is common to the whole region, there is huge diversity in its expression and adherence. The North Caucasus has historically been difficult soil for the gospel to take root, but despite these challenges, 1God is working through believers who are making the love of Jesus known. Let’s join together to cry out to God for this corner of the earth.
Young men from Muslim people groups in the North Caucasus of Russia are being disproportionately mobilised for war in Ukraine. Pray for a renewal of faith among believing soldiers with Muslim backgrounds. Pray for those distributing contextualised Bibles to young Muslim men at enlistment offices and military units. Pray for more Bibles as supplies are low. Pray they would be read, and that these men will meet and follow Jesus. Pray for the families left behind. Pray also for followers of Jesus across the North Caucasus, that their faith would be renewed, and they would know the truth of Jesus.
The Tatars: Originating from Tatarstan (in Russia), the Tatars have settled across Central Asia but are most unreached in China, Finland and Tajikistan. Their primary religion is Islam and there is a desperate need for workers to live among them to bring the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray for God to intervene powerfully, to unveil their eyes to the mystery of the gospel.

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