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Global Care

Africa  |  South Sudan
April 2024

Please pray for our work in South Sudan. Pray civil conflict ends and famine is avoided. Please pray for: - recent emergency relief efforts to support 650 people left hungry and homeless by conflict - effective help for Thurlith School, a community school supporting highly vulnerable orphaned and abandoned children - climate change effects including a recent 45 degree heatwave - improved access to education in a country where almost 3 in 5 children are not in school.

Pray as we consider the principles of the International Day of Social Justice (20th Feb); pray for human rights, participation, access and equity. Pray we see these flourish in our projects worldwide. Please pray for: increased inclusion for families affected by disability. Increased access to education and health services for minority groups. Equity for girls, disproportionately affected by both Covid and climate change. Pray for greater access to fair legal systems, which support human rights.

Church Mission Society

Africa  |  Egypt, South Sudan, Sudan
August 2023

Local partner Habeeb Kamal seeks to share the gospel with unreached people groups in Egypt, South Sudan and Sudan, including preaching, teaching and discipling believers, and sharing the gospel with people he meets on a day-to-day basis. Pray for God to open up opportunities for Habeeb to share Jesus with people.

Medair UK

Africa  |  Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan
October 2022

In the Horn of Africa four consecutive rainy seasons have failed, causing the worst drought in 40 years and threatening the lives of more than 23 million people in countries like Somalia, South Sudan and Kenya. This hunger crisis is compounded by escalating food costs caused by the conflict in Ukraine. It is estimated that one person is dying every 48 seconds from hunger across the Horn of Africa.

A child holding the world in their hands

World Prayer News

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