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The Elizabeth Tower and House of Parliament in the rain.

Pray the Lord would bear fruit through the courses that many SASRA Scripture Readers are running to introduce British military personnel to Christ.

Pray that more and more men and women serving in the British Armed Forces would have a hunger to know Jesus.

Pray that SASRA staff would trust the Lord and submit to Him in all things over 2025.

Please pray SASRA staff would abide in Christ and grow more and more like Him.

Japan Christian Link

Europe  |  United Kingdom
December 2024

Praise God for a good balanced team of in those serving our centralised functions, including our Council members and other volunteers, staff and partners. Please pray that we should depend on God for his wisdom and power and that our lives and relationships would be characterised by love, humility and Godliness. Please pray that we would be effective in helping Japanese returning to Japan in with a new interest or faith in Christ to continue seeking or growing in faith and discipleship.

Al Massira International

Europe  |  United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain
November 2024

Please praise the LORD with Al Massira for wonderful news of precious new So**li Followers in the Body of Christ in Northern Europe! 35 people gathered (Saved and not-yet Saved) to be guided through the Al Massira Introduction session. One young girl gave her life to Christ! 15 So**li Believers are seeking to continue to meet for the whole AM Journey, where they will split into 2 smaller discussion groups. Please pray they will be strengthened, anointed and assured in their faith and given courage to share Christ with others, especially amongst the So**li community. To the glory of God!

There aren't many Christians in the military and the gospel is often met with apathy or mockery. This means that serving Christians and Scripture Readers can feel isolated at times. Pray they would find peace in knowing that the Lord hems us in; that He goes before us and behind us.

Give thanks for the rest that SASRA Scripture Readers have enjoyed over the Christmas period. Pray the Lord would give them what they need to serve Him and members of our Armed Forces over the year ahead.

Church Mission Society

Europe  |  United Kingdom
October 2024

We give thanks with CMS mission partner Garry Ion for the few people who come along to the Friday morning fellowship at the Community Shed in Carlisle. Praise God for those who just sit and listen and the one or two who have started to share prayer requests and are joining in prayer.


Europe  |  United Kingdom
October 2024

Thank God for the long term commitment of our trustees. Pray especially for those who are due to step down in 2025. Pray for wisdom during the process of seeking and appointing new people to join the board of trustees to help steer our mission support agency through the coming years. Praise God that modern technology for communication and video conferencing gives the opportunity for people to become a trustee wherever they are in the world.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Europe  |  United Kingdom
September 2024

Eurasia Education Foundation has entered an agreement with Myrtlefield Trust to translate all the books by David Gooding and John Lennox into Central Asian languages. Pray for these who translate and for the funds to cover their costs. Work on using local cultures to share the gospel is being done using Aesop's Fables, English nursery rhymes, Tolstoy and Mullah Nasr al din stories. Pray for editors to learn how to do this.

Pray for our plans towards 'Xercise', a weekend away that we are running in November for Christian young people who are considering a military career. Find out more information here:

A child holding the world in their hands

World Prayer News

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