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Reach Beyond

Africa  |  Zambia
August 2024

A well-produced, good sounding radio programme can be far more effective in reaching the listener with God's truth. To help evangelical radio stations in Zambia to achieve this, Reach Beyond is organising in-person training with our partners next month. Pray for arrangements for a successful training to improve the delivery of the good news in Christian stations across this country of 21 million people.

Bethany Children's Trust

Africa  |  Zambia
January 2023

BCT's local partners - who work extensively with disabled children - report that there is currently a shortage of epilepsy medication throughout Zambia. This of course has serious implications for the health of children with the condition. At the same time, fuel costs are rising, month on month, which is having a knock-on effect on the costs of other commodities and services. Please pray that the government will act decisively and swiftly to bring prices down, and that more epilepsy medication will soon be made available.

Bethany Children's Trust

Africa  |  Zambia
October 2022

Our local partner continues to make every effort to raise churches’ awareness of the needs of disabled children and propose helpful steps for welcoming them. Pray that prevailing cultural attitudes towards children with disabilities will change forever because of this faithful work. Pray especially for the work of Wukwashi volunteers using our ‘Transform Disability’ resource to train churches in the Copperbelt and beyond, with the result that more and more children are supported and cherished.

A child holding the world in their hands

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