Guide to running a good recruitment process
Posted on 02 August 2023 by Global Connections

Good recruitment is crucial for every organisation and church
The aim of recruitment is to get the right person for the job at the right time. But it’s more than that. Filling a current vacancy is one thing, but finding and keeping the right number of staff with the relevant skills and abilities for current and future needs is also vital. The recruitment process should not be rushed, and those involved should have the appropriate knowledge and skills.
This guide is designed to help UK Christian organisations and churches understand and think through the different stages of the recruitment process. It also addresses how UK law impacts recruitment activities in the Christian sector. The importance of fair recruitment should not be underestimated. Monitoring your recruitment processes to ensure that they fulfil equal opportunities legislation, and are non-discriminatory, is imperative. But good practice in recruitment and selection need not be difficult. Yes, it takes time and effort, but the benefits are worth it.

Guide to Running a Good Recruitment process
538 KB | pdf