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Long-Term Mission

Posted on 21 June 2023 by Global Connections

Family looking at mountains deciding on short-term programme

Where do you feel drawn?

Is there a specific people group or area of the world to which you feel drawn? Find out more about those people and places and start praying for them.

Think local before you go global

Look for opportunities to befriend those from other countries and cultures where you live now - this is a really helpful short blog post to get you thinking

Do some research

Which organisations or groups work in the part of the world that you sense you might be 'called' to or are interested in? Do they engage in the sort of projects that are of interest to you?

Where is there most need?

Think and pray about your involvement in those areas and places where people are most unreached. Be prepared to be challenged or re-directed. Perhaps there is more need for you in places or projects which you haven’t yet considered?

Is further study or training needed?

Find out what qualifications and other skills are needed so that you are aware of any further study you might need to do. Visit our training pages to see the range of courses on offer.

Decide together

If you’re a married or engaged couple thinking of going overseas it is important that you reach agreement together on your course of action - differences of opinion which may seem unimportant at home in the UK can become very significant when you’re operating in a different culture.

Consider serving short-term

Short-term involvement is a great way to see what God is doing around the world, to listen and to learn, and perhaps even test a call to long-term service overseas. Search short-term opportunities.

'Calling' and guidance

Because there is confusing and often contradictory advice about ‘calling’ (and especially the ‘missionary call’), it can seem difficult and overwhelming to find a way through.  Read more here.

10 Reasons Not to Become a Missionary

Don't become a missionary if you think you are going to change the world - Laura Parker, former missionary in SE Asia, dispels some unhelpful expectations.

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

Corrie Ten Boom

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The day I stopped trying to become a “thing” in the Christian world and instead decided to serve Jesus wherever the Spirit led was the day my ministry actually began. 

Burn your ambition.

Steve Bezner
A capital city in central Asia

Find a mission opportunity

Long-term opportunities around the world, and a variety of short-term placements and schemes in the UK and overseas