Global Connections' Council
Meeting twice a year to take a higher-level view of the mission world and help shape Global Connections’ focus and direction.
The Global Connections Council is a group of representatives from across the network members that meet to discuss key developments in the network, and to provide a forum to consider the network's role. Under our charity’s constitution, the Council are the voting members and represent the network at the Annual General Meeting.
The Council's role is to appoint the Board of Directors, discuss key developments in the network and to provide a forum to consider the network's role; it consists of the people listed below, all of whom have been appointed from the network members at the AGM.
The current Council members are:
- Claire Franks (St Barnabas Church)
- Dan Yarnell (Fellowship of Churches of Christ)
- Chris Howles (Oak Hill)
- David Cook (CEF, Britain)
- David King (Interserve GBI)
- Evan Winter (Transform Europe Network)
- Gary Sloan (Rising Brook Church)
- Girma Bishaw (Missio Africanus)
- Gordon Darragh (Windsor Baptist Church)
- Henry Lu (COCM)
- Iván Neira (Friends International)
- James Poole (Wycliffe)
- John McLernon (Crosslinks)
- Mark Handley (Operation Mobilisation)
- Michael Prest (UFM)
- Paul Cooke (France Mission Trust)
- Ray Porter
- Roger Purdom (One Challenge (OC) International)
- Siew H Ong (CCIL)
- Tony Uddin (AoG Mission)
The Council meet twice a year, to offer feedback, encouragement and guidance on how the network might develop. As representatives of the broader network, Council members offer a higher-level view of the mission world and help shape Global Connection’s focus and direction.
If you work for a Global Connections member church or organisation, and would like to join the Council, please contact Andy Law, Chief Operating Offer at