
Please praise the LORD with Al Massira for wonderful news of precious new So**li Followers in the Body of Christ in Northern Europe! 35 people gathered (Saved and not-yet Saved) to be guided through the Al Massira Introduction session. One young girl gave her life to Christ! 15 So**li Believers are seeking to continue to meet for the whole AM Journey, where they will split into 2 smaller discussion groups. Please pray they will be strengthened, anointed and assured in their faith and given courage to share Christ with others, especially amongst the So**li community. To the glory of God!
Praise God for our social centre here in Germany. In the last years, the Lord blessed us with many people who came to believe in Him. This spiritually empty place is now a growing Christian community. We see from God that it is time for us, as missionaries, to give leadership to the local people. We want to select a small group of leaders and train them. Please pray that God will bless this challenging and exciting process.
Pray with IFES movements across Europe for the students who will be attending the Revive Conference at New Year to be equipped and inspired to share their faith with classmates. Pray that the teaching and testimonies they hear from peers across the continent will show them that God can use them to reach out and to achieve more in His power than they could believe!
Please pray for a 14-year-old girl. She had already experienced many terrible things in her life. Now she started taking drugs. Please pray that she will find God who can help her and give her all she needs.

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