
Please praise the LORD with Al Massira for wonderful news of precious new So**li Followers in the Body of Christ in Northern Europe! 35 people gathered (Saved and not-yet Saved) to be guided through the Al Massira Introduction session. One young girl gave her life to Christ! 15 So**li Believers are seeking to continue to meet for the whole AM Journey, where they will split into 2 smaller discussion groups. Please pray they will be strengthened, anointed and assured in their faith and given courage to share Christ with others, especially amongst the So**li community. To the glory of God!
Please pray as Jesus instructed in Luke 10 v 2: "The harvest is plentiful” (more than 700 million people in Europe don’t know Jesus) "but the workers are few” (our mission has only around 250 workers). "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field please pray for more missionaries.
A recent evangelistic campaign by churches in the Campo de Gibraltar area had around 70 participants every Saturday. Our local Christian radio station Radio Vida went along and recorded interviews with some of those who attended, and these testimonies are being played to that part of Spain throughout the week. Ask the Lord to challenge listeners to follow Jesus themselves as they tune in.

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