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In South Asia, they have some of the highest numbers of unreached people groups in the world, with the equivalent of only 1 full time Christian worker for every 500,000 Muslims. Pray for the Gospel to be spread here.

Mekong Minorities – The Dong people group live in very remote areas in the region around the Mekong River. Pray for creative ways for gospel workers to share the good news of Jesus in these areas.

Please pray for Al Massira International and for several trainings (some already underway) in countries in SE Asia. A worker couple are witnessing to Middle Eastern students; others are witnessing to people from East Asia; others are witnessing to SE Asians. Please pray for another training in the SE Asia region next month. May the AM resources (currently translated into 38 languages), continue to help resource the Body of Christ to further train and equip Brother and Sister-workers in their faithful, prayerful pursuit of reaching precious people from all nations, with the glorious Gospel. To the glory of God!

Reach Beyond

Asia  |  Indonesia, Thailand
October 2023

Please pray that the Lord will send a new Media/ Radio Trainer to assist with the many opportunities for Christian media ministry in the Asia Pacific region. We continue to develop and expand online training but there is a need for more face-to-face contact with groups in countries such as Indonesia and Thailand. Pray the Lord will call the right people to this work.

BMS World Mission

Asia  |  Thailand
July 2023

Praise God that BMS’ partnership with the Thailand Karen Baptist Convention (TKBC) has enabled the training and sending of women evangelists to plant churches. Pray God’s wisdom for BMS workers Paul and Sarah Brown as they work with TKBC.

Members of the Aldor* Bible storying team in Southeast Asia have had to flee violence in their home areas. Pray for continued connection to teammates so they can keep going with their work. Pray that the team can focus amid the political crisis in the country where Aldor is spoken, and that God would give them grace and wisdom to manage their stress. *name changed for security reasons

CMS mission partners I and S are based in Southeast Asia, where they lead an international congregation, teach English classes and come alongside people to preach, teach, disciple and help lead them into a transforming encounter with Jesus. Pray for both I and S to get to know students outside of class, for God to show each of them who to come alongside and invest in.

BMS World Mission

Asia  |  Thailand
February 2023

Pray for the Karen people in Thailand and thank God for the Thailand Karen Baptist Convention (TKBC) and their work spreading the gospel and encouraging people in their faith. Pray for the TKBC, that the opportunities they have for mission workers to collaborate with them in community transformation will be appropriately filled.

OMF International UK

Asia  |  Thailand
October 2022

Give thanks for 10 new Christians baptised at the end of July at Fullness of Joy Church in Bangkok, Thailand. There were 6 women and 4 men. Some were elderly, some young. Among those baptised, there was a village leader, a cook, a cleaner, a young man recently released from prison. Please pray for these new believers as they learn to walk with Christ each day and to find their place in his body.

A child holding the world in their hands

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