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Asia  |  Myanmar
June 2024

Please pray for peace, political stability and religious freedom for the country of Myanmar. Ask God to keep Word of Hope safe as they continue to be a light in the darkness, reaching out to their community, practically & spiritually.


Asia  |  Myanmar
June 2024

Word of Hope in Myanmar would love us to praise God with them for His protection and for the good health of all the children in the orphanage. Praise God that children have been enjoying their Bible devotionals. Pray that, by the Spirit, they would mature in their faith and trust in Jesus for everything they need. The children from started a new academic year in June. Pray they settle quickly into their new classes and enjoy learning, to the glory of God.

In South Asia, they have some of the highest numbers of unreached people groups in the world, with the equivalent of only 1 full time Christian worker for every 500,000 Muslims. Pray for the Gospel to be spread here.


Asia  |  Myanmar
April 2024

Please pray for Word of Hope’s plans for a summer Bible camp. Ask God to give them creativity and wisdom as they begin to organise this. Praise God that a church has contributed towards funding a new generator for Word of Hope Church. Pray that our grant applications would be successful to cover the remaining costs.

Global Care

Asia  |  Myanmar
March 2024

Pray with us for Global Care’s work in Kayah (Karenni) State, Myanmar. Please pray for: - Safe travels for John White (Global Care’s CEO) who is meeting DS, our Myanmar partner, in Thailand this week - safety and provision for DS as he travels in conflict-ridden areas peace with justice for the Karenni people, brutalised by their own government and ignored by the international community - protection and encouragement for the Karenni children, schools and teachers we support - An end to violence in Kayah State

Mekong Minorities – The Dong people group live in very remote areas in the region around the Mekong River. Pray for creative ways for gospel workers to share the good news of Jesus in these areas.


Asia  |  Myanmar
February 2024

Thank God that some of the children at Word of Hope Orphanage have received excellent results from their recent school exams. Ask God also to give wisdom and clarity to Word of Hope’s Bible college students as they study subjects such as Christian Ethics, Apologetics & Myanmar Church History.

Please pray for Al Massira International and for several trainings (some already underway) in countries in SE Asia. A worker couple are witnessing to Middle Eastern students; others are witnessing to people from East Asia; others are witnessing to SE Asians. Please pray for another training in the SE Asia region next month. May the AM resources (currently translated into 38 languages), continue to help resource the Body of Christ to further train and equip Brother and Sister-workers in their faithful, prayerful pursuit of reaching precious people from all nations, with the glorious Gospel. To the glory of God!

Pray as we consider the principles of the International Day of Social Justice (20th Feb); pray for human rights, participation, access and equity. Pray we see these flourish in our projects worldwide. Please pray for: increased inclusion for families affected by disability. Increased access to education and health services for minority groups. Equity for girls, disproportionately affected by both Covid and climate change. Pray for greater access to fair legal systems, which support human rights.


Asia  |  Myanmar
December 2023

Pray for peace & prosperity, and for the well-being of staff at Word of Hope Orphanage as they continue to provide love, care and support to vulnerable children. Pray also for God to provide two new rice cookers, enabling them to give nutritious meals to the children.


Asia  |  Myanmar
October 2023

Praise God for providing the financial resources to repair the girls' bathroom at Word of Hope Orphanage in Myanmar. The girls are now blessed with a safe & hygienic environment. Praise God for the good health of every child at Word of Hope Orphanage in Myanmar. Pray for the children's continued good health and regular attendance at school.

Members of the Aldor* Bible storying team in Southeast Asia have had to flee violence in their home areas. Pray for continued connection to teammates so they can keep going with their work. Pray that the team can focus amid the political crisis in the country where Aldor is spoken, and that God would give them grace and wisdom to manage their stress. *name changed for security reasons

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