Thinking about long-term mission? Start here...
Posted on 14 July 2023 by Global Connections

'Long-term' mission could be anything from two years or more.
At GC Jobs and Mission we’re passionate about reaching the world for Jesus - and encouraging and releasing people into longer-term mission across the globe is a key part of our vision.
If you are considering getting involved, you need to think through what you have to offer, why you want to go, where you could go (or stay), and you need to be aware of some of the possible pitfalls. Most churches and mission agencies will also want to know something about your sense of 'call'.
Long-term mission is a time investment and is not something to go into lightly.
A longer-term commitment allows time for language learning, training, cultural adjustments, and the time to build up relationships in a much more meaningful way. To be most effective, you need to invest a significant amount of time to learn about a different culture and to become part of a new community.
This section is designed to help guide you through some of these issues as you start your search to find your place in mission. Click on the headings below to explore the sections in more detail.
Is long-term mission right for me?
People from many different backgrounds with different skills and experience serve overseas or within the UK longer-term - including single people, married couples and families with children.
People of all ages can get involved - though it's worth bearing in mind that there are some restrictions on visa entries to some countries as well as limits on insurance.

Organisations and role - how do I decide?
Remember that no job or mission agency is perfect! The important thing is to think through and find an agency who will work alongside your church to provide the support and encouragement you need.
If you're looking for a specific job opportunity - or just looking to get some ideas of possibilities - there are some suggestions here for how you might go about that.

What practical matters do I need to consider?
There are many practical matters to consider when thinking about getting involved in mission long-term. This section aims to help you to begin to address these - and other - issues as you consider your involvement in world mission.

"Missionaries are very human folks, just doing what they are asked. Simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt Somebody."