Long-term mission - what practical matters do I need to consider?
Posted on 21 June 2023 by Global Connections

There are many practical matters to consider when thinking about getting involved in mission long-term.
This resource helps you to begin to address some of these issues as you consider your involvement in world mission:
- How should my church be involved?
- How do I raise financial support?
- How do I deal with concerns from my family?
How should my church be involved?
The relationship between your sending church and the organisation you choose to work with is very important. It needs to be a real partnership and a committed relationship with responsibilities and expectations on both sides.
- Your home church has a key role in sending you and is the place to begin - mission agencies and organisations exist to help churches fulfil God’s mandate for world mission, not the other way round.
- It is also important that you are already active in a local church in the UK if you wish to be considered for long-term mission work in the UK or overseas.
- Talk with your church leaders and others in the church who know you best, and use their wisdom to help you in the decision-making process. Your church (and others) can help in discerning your 'call', giving ongoing pastoral care, praying for you, and supporting you practically and financially. The mission agency / organisation will help equip you for service, care for and support you, resource, inform and journey with you.
- Your church also needs to help you look for a ‘fit’ with any organisation you are thinking you might go with. Do you and your church share their vision and values? Check out their mission and vision statements. If possible, go along to one of their events in the UK to meet some of the team and learn more.
- The other area your church and organisations can help you with is in determining where there is most need in the world. Think and pray about your involvement in those areas and places where people are most unreached. Be prepared to be challenged or re-directed. Perhaps there is more need for you in places or projects which you haven’t yet considered?
- Most importantly, pray and talk with your church leaders right from the start, and look for an opportunity with the attitude that it’s a chance for you to serve God and his church throughout the world, rather than focussing solely on what you initially think is best for yourself – you might be amazed at how God could use you.
"Lord lead me to where I have not yet been, to the people I have not yet met, and to love as you have always loved."
How do I raise financial support?
Raising financial support for world mission can be one of the most positive and faith-building aspects of someone’s ministry.
However, it is hard work and can be daunting. Support-raising is about a lot more than money; it's about building a team around you who bring their prayers and encouragement, as well as their financial support. They, together with you, will enable others to experience God’s love through the ministry you are involved in. You just need the tools for the job of building the team.

Each ministry has its own unique challenges and each individual's requirements will be different. Your mission agency / organisation and your church may have lots of helpful advice in this area. A strong support base needs a solid grounding - both in the biblical principles that underpin it and the practical steps that make it a reality. Stewardship provide a wealth of Resources for Christian Workers with short videos, training and other helpful tips and guidance around support raising.
How do I deal with concerns from my family?
It is perfectly natural for other family members to be concerned about you if you are about to take off somewhere they know little or nothing about with a bunch of strangers.
But first, you need to establish what is behind their objections.
- If their concern is for your protection and safety, then do what you can to address their concerns. Get the mission agency / organisation you’ll be serving with to talk to them and give them every possible reassurance. Involve your church leaders if necessary. Talking to others who have had similar concerns may also help them.
- If your family members are not Christians then you need to be sensitive in how you handle the situation. But if this is the case then they may never agree with any Christian activity you engage in or understand why you would want to be involved in world mission. Even if your family members are Christians they still might not understand why you are taking this step.
- If at the end of this they still object - for instance, because they think you are giving up a good career or moving the grandchildren too far away - then you need to ask yourself questions about what’s most important. If God is clearly guiding you into Christian service, and your church endorses this, then you may need to just go ahead and pray that your family come round to the idea in time. However, God asks us to respect and honour our families, and so you should do what you can to protect your relationship with them whilst also explaining why you feel it is right to go ahead.
- Keep seeking advice from people you respect, or others who have gone through similar things before you – they may help you to find a way through the difficulty, or to resolve some of the objections your family are raising.