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Careers Advice

Posted on 21 June 2023 by Global Connections

man holds a bible while praying for guidance and wisdom on his calling

Call out to God

Christians are not immune to job loss and redundancy – trials and difficulties are part of the Christian life. But we do have a hope beyond the experience of those who don't know God, and we can pour out our concerns to him.

Your job does not define you

Continually remind yourself during this season that your core identity is that you are a child of God (Galatians 3:26) and not in what you do for a living. Your job can easily become the source of your identity – and losing it can fundamentally shake your foundations.

Hold your plans loosely

God's plan may not be the plan that you would have chosen, but during a time of unemployment you may need to learn to hold your plans loosely. Your responsibility is to be faithful in looking for work and to trust that his plan is still being worked out.

God is still sovereign

Nothing takes God by surprise. The God who sees and knows everything knew exactly when you would lose your job. But he also knows what is next. You may not understand why God has allowed this to happen, but you can lean hard on him and his word at this time.

Find support

God knows that you need help with the mental and emotional impact of unemployment. Are there any other Christians you know who are going through the same experience? Get together to support each other through prayer and encouragement.

Become more Christ-like

Might God be using your present circumstances to mould your character to be more like Jesus? Make a decision to reconnect with God in a way you maybe haven’t done in years, and be willing to learn whatever he needs to teach you through this experience.

A child holding the world in their hands

Whatever you face right now - whatever it is that makes your chest tighten or your 

mind race or your heart anxious - God says to you what he has said 

to his people throughout time: I am with you.

Adam Ramsey

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