Starting your job search
Posted on 21 June 2023 by Global Connections

We’ve all been there.
You're starting out looking for your first job, or you have a new career goal or aspiration, or perhaps even a sense of God calling you to something different - but you have absolutely no idea how to get there. What next?
We've curated a set of resources to help you think it all through:
5 Transferable Skills You Probably Didn’t Know You Had
Helping you identify your transferable skills to set the foundation for finding a job in the Christian or charity sector.
Spend more time on fewer applications
Rather than applying for 100s of jobs you ‘know you can do’ why not concentrate on a smaller number you get genuinely excited about?
Use social media in your job search
You can increase the visibility of your professional profile and be seen by the wider world.
Make contact before you apply
Give yourself a priceless advantage over other applicants and make contact first. There really is nothing to lose.
Making a career change
Career advice for a post-pandemic workplace.
Finding work - a guide for the over-40s
Inadvertent ageism? Be prepared for the 'seven elephants in the room'.
The job-hunting process is often long and uncertain. Amid this arduous process, God promises us His peace.
Learning to stay sane in the job hunt
Really practical help and advice - 3-minute read from CharityJob.
Sanctification in the job hunt
Finding contentment amidst competition, joy amidst rejection, and peace amidst uncertainty.
Job loss and redundancy
If you're struggling with either of these, our prayer is that this section will bring hope, help, and practical and spiritual guidance.
Read more (hyperlink to page)

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