Working remotely
Posted on 21 June 2023 by Global Connections

The increase in flexible and hybrid working since the pandemic has involved a considerable shift. Today, more than half of employees have flexible working arrangements, and this number looks likely to grow.
Are you new to working from home and not sure how to do it? Can working from home make you more unproductive? How do you cope with unexpected distractions? How do you make remote working work for you and your employer? Are you worried about sustaining this for the long haul?
Click on the links below to find helpful hints to support you while you work from home.
Easily distracted?
If you find it difficult to focus and get things done outside of the office, working from home can be easier said than done. Here's some top tips from Reed to help maintain your productivity.
How to leave work at work
Some jobs have very clear lines between when you’re “on” and when you’re “off,” while in others the lines are blurred, or non-existent. Here are four steps from Harvard Business Review to reduce working after hours.
Do you prefer working in the office?
Research has shown that post-Covid most UK employees would prefer a hybrid approach. But if you're someone who is keen to get back to the office full-time, point your current employer to this article from
The loneliness of the hybrid worker
Preventing loneliness in remote working also needs to take into account personality traits and motives which result in a higher feeling of loneliness. In this article Psychology Today explores - Where do you fit into this? And what can be done to help?
And finally, just for fun...
Remember this?! Watch again as Professor Robert Kelly copes with interruptions from his children whilst being interviewed live on BBC News.
A prayer for working from home
Why not pause before you start your day of work from home, and pray this prayer by Will Sorrell

The purpose of work as God intended is to bring people together in loving community for mutual benefit and support.
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