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Pray as we consider the principles of the International Day of Social Justice (20th Feb); pray for human rights, participation, access and equity. Pray we see these flourish in our projects worldwide. Please pray for: increased inclusion for families affected by disability. Increased access to education and health services for minority groups. Equity for girls, disproportionately affected by both Covid and climate change. Pray for greater access to fair legal systems, which support human rights.

WEC International

Africa  |  Ethiopia
November 2023

Wollo Amhara in Ethiopia: Wallo is a province in north-eastern Ethiopia with a desire for independence. There are around 6.3 million Wollo people who are mostly traditional subsistence farmers. Most Amhara people are Christians but Wollo people practise Islam and traditional religion. Pray for improved farming methods, and for Amharic-speaking Christians to reach out to the Wollo people.

Church Mission Society

Africa  |  Ethiopia
March 2023

Chris and Suzy Wilson are working in reconciliation and peacebuilding with Christian leaders in Ethiopia. Pray for God to bless their efforts to improve their Amharic and help them not just to get to grips with the language’s many consonant sounds and add to their vocabulary, but also for God to bring the right words and turns of phrase to mind when they speak to people.

Church Mission Society

Africa  |  Ethiopia
October 2022

Pray for a lasting peace agreement and for food and medicine to reach those who urgently need it,” write Chris and Suzy Wilson, CMS mission partners working for forgiveness, reconciliation and peacebuilding in Ethiopia, where the situation continues to be tense. Pray for Christians in the country to be agents of peace and reconciliation as the different parties negotiate and find a way to live together in harmony.

A child holding the world in their hands

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