Sierra Leone

Please pray for 4 staff from the Great Commission Movement of Sierra Leone as they travel to Libera to complete their programme of key ministry training. Pray for the Great Commission Movement of Sierra Leone Student Ministry as they build Gospel movements on campuses across the country. Pray for students to be bold in sharing their faith, for new students to discover Jesus, grow in their faith and go to reach others, and for the small number of staff to be sustained as they come alongside student leaders.
Please pray for the provision of $50,000 for the Great Commission Movement of Sierra Leone towards development work on their office compound and facilities. This work will help move the ministry towards financial self-sustainability and allow for wider investment in reaching the nation with the Gospel. Pray for the staff of the Great Commission Movement of Sierra Leone as they build relationships and seek inroads into Islamic chiefdoms in the north and east of the country to bring the Gospel through Jesus Film outreaches and church planting.
Pray for Nigeria following recent elections and for Sierra Leone and the elections in June. Pray God raises up just, merciful, humble, and godly leaders that bear His name with honour and gladness.
Pray for Africa following Al Massira’s recent face to face gathering in Sierra Leone where 15 African nations were present. The Gospel is being shared through the AM resources in several languages. Two fruitful trainings have just taken place in Tanzania, and others in Uganda, Mozambique and another coming up in Kenya early in 2023. Pray for Holy Spirit power, courage, and wisdom for the Persecuted Church, particularly in Nigeria. May the faithful team there and across Africa know the presence, power, and peace of the King as He loves and leads them forward to advance His Kingdom across Africa!

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