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Al Massira International

Europe  |  Greece
March 2025

Please pray for Greece and for an Al Massira Journey taking place amongst precious Iranians and Afghans in Athens. Pray for them, as the Journey materials have taken them to the Messiah episode. Pray for breakthrough and revelation in each precious participant’s heart and mind to recognise the Messiah, God’s plan of Salvation and the same unified message throughout the Bible. Pray for unity and encouragement. That each seeker would know their every need is met truly, fully and so wonderfully in the LORD Jesus alone. May they find true rest for their souls found only in the Good Shepherd.

Al Massira International

Africa  |  South Sudan
March 2025

Please pray for six very precious Saints who were recently Al Massira/The Journey trained, at a location in South Sudan. Pray with AM, that the LORD may graciously multiply His work amongst this small but faithful group. That they too would help train, equip and encourage other Brothers and Sisters to reach out to their neighbours with the Gospel, from all backgrounds. Pray for wisdom from above and protection upon the Body of Christ during these days of great trial and persecution. May the Church stand firm on the faithful promises of God. That He will deliver them from evil.

Al Massira International

Europe  |  Northern Ireland
March 2025

Please praise and thank the LORD with Al Massira/The Journey, for a wonderful UK online training. There was a larger than usual group of students who were keen to engage in all the lessons and enjoy close fellowship. AM is so thankful to God for an amazing team of trainers. Praise the LORD for continued high numbers of precious Iranian peoples (about 130), who take part in hearing the Good News with help from Al Massira, at a Church in Belfast. Pray for another Al Massira Journey which has begun at another location in Belfast. To the glory of God!

Eurasia Education Foundation

Asia  |  Pakistan
March 2025

Outreach to Baloch in southwestern Pakistan and literature is being prepared to reach out to them.

Eurasia Education Foundation

Asia  |  Afghanistan
March 2025

Twelve young men went to Korea to study for three years and returned to serve the Lord in Afghanistan. Recently two were killed by the Taliban and their families had to flee for safety. Pray for funds for food and rent in another city without their father.

Eurasia Education Foundation

North America  |  United States
March 2025

Mullah Nars al-Din's books are being shipped to USA for use amongst Muslims in America. Pray for boldness and fruit as a result.

Church Mission Society

South America  |  Paraguay
March 2025

Pray for speakers of the Southern Énxet language in the Chaco region of Paraguay to connect deeply with the gospel message as they hear it in their own language through the Jesus Film in Southern Énxet, which was released last year. Pray for local translators and CMS mission partner Tim Curtis as they produce discipleship training and study materials in Southern Énxet.

Please pray for refugee mothers and children in Southeast Asia to know God’s love and fresh hope through the followers of Jesus they meet. Pray for CMS local partner Hannah to learn rhythms of rest and renewal so she can continue to welcome and walk alongside women and children in her role of managing a shelter for abused and at-risk refugee mothers and children.

Church Mission Society

Middle East  |  Lebanon
March 2025

CMS mission partners Nabil and Sarah Shehadi ask for prayer for Lebanon, where Nabil serves as Alpha Levant coordinator and Sarah manages hospitality and administration, and runs courses with Nabil. Against a backdrop of national crisis, pray for people including refugees to engage with Alpha courses and for Christians to be encouraged to share the reason for their hope with others.

Church Mission Society

Europe  |  Ukraine
March 2025

Soldiers in Ukraine are traumatised and exhausted. Pray for Jesus’ loving kindness to flow through military chaplain and CMS local partner Valery Alymov as he meets with soldiers on the front lines to provide spiritual and emotional support. Pray for wisdom for Valery and other military chaplains to know how to minister to each person they meet.

Pray the Lord would protect SASRA’s relationships with the Chaplaincy and Chain of Command. May they continue to see the value of a Scripture Reader presence.

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